Thursday, December 28, 2023


 I do not like to think of myself as an elitist. I really don't have anything to be elite about when I come right down to it. I mean there are so many people out there who have so much more than I do I don't even have the ability to comprehend their thought processes. This morning I was cruising around Reddit and inadvertently got shifted to a divorce Reddit and these guys are posting about how they're divorces came about mostly women and how cheap that men were in their gifting and things of that nature it's pretty interesting but it made me think that there's no way I can even compete on these guys level even to be a creep. I really thought it was interesting and I tried not to think about it too much but really I don't think I even register sometimes and perhaps that's best. But getting back to the elitism I was interested this Thursday after I got up got dressed and went down to the coffee social I thought I would take in another movie. So, I took off around 10:45 to see about catching the bus and making it to the movies for an 11:40 filming or showing. I figured this would give me time to maybe get a sandwich or go through the dollar store to see if there's anything I needed there.

I had a lot of time by the time I got to the area of the movies and just fortunately there is a Starbucks not far from the movie/theater. So I figured I would check out if I had any money on the Starbucks gift card and some other gift cards that I've been carried in my wallet and backpack for some time. I was amazed to find out that I still had about $4 on my Starbucks card that I really hadn't even used for 2 years at least. The other cards I know had a little cash on them but they didn't even register anymore so they must have some kind of time limit on them. It was interesting on Marketplace a couple days ago and they talked about how many gift cards another kind of cards that are out there that have billions of dollars on them that have not been used or totally used up well I did my duty today and cashed out my card for Starbucks on a very nice latte of some sort I can barely pronounce it as caramel something but it was pretty good for $6.49 that's right the elitist coffee place and I'm there sucking it down. This of course is from when I used to catch the bus into work and there used to be a Starbucks there by my bus stop and that's when I first got sucked in and ever since if I have the opportunity I will watch on to a couple Starbucks if I dare. I even got a new Starbucks card and put 20 bucks on it in case and for the next time I'm going to be in that area. I was a little bummed out because I had lost my shoe well I didn't lose it my foot came out my spouse I had a spasm my foot came out and I spent the rest of the day with the shoe balance but curiously on my foot as I rolled around at the movies as well as Starbucks and on the bus home again. I didn't have the energy to ask somebody to put my foot back in the shoe and tighten it up. I swear I look a mess when I'm out and about these days. I'm sure I'm just another random hobo spending the last dollars they have on a Starbucks Grande..

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