Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Night Blather


It was kind of fun building my own breakfast this morning. I haven't really done that since Mark Anthony and I have been doing our Sunday morning breakfast at the restaurant. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy our time at the restaurant but I also really enjoy throwing together a breakfast on Sunday morning. This morning I did bacon and eggs and a toasted English muffin sort of like the McDonald's Egg McMuffin but probably would not nearly as good or as fast. But I truly love the process. Starting the coffee maker pulling the eggs of the refrigerator's As Well as opening up the package of bacon I purchased a couple weeks ago. Perhaps the reason I was so excited about cooking breakfast or was easy to get into the project was because Gloria, my home health person, did such a good job cleaning the stove and making sure I have what I needed to do any cooking should I want to do any. I stayed with the basic breakfast bacon and eggs essentially and they bread product. They certainly had the ingredients to do a major production but I wanted to. I just want to enjoy some classical music and puttering around the kitchen.

There was talk on Saturday when we are at the restaurant for breakfast about having her make it our own Christmas breakfast, I assume it this apartment, that would really be fun and of course Christmas falls on Saturday which means that we'll probably be back in the restaurant on the day after Christmas Sunday the 26th. Which is okay by me after all it's Christmastime. A few hours ago I checked with Google/chrome just to be sure what they winter actually begins that is 21 December roughly at 8 AM. I thought about that primarily because by 5 PM this evening it was almost totally dark outside we are truly in the dark days of the year. That however is about to change in roughly 2 days will be at the far end of the orbit when they reach the solstice of winter. We will however there however short then begin the arduous task of heading back the summer solstice by hundred 87 days away. Won't seem so bad though because will be heading towards the light and the warmth of the new year. I'll turn 71 and February which just told it blows my mind. But I've resolved to open up and enjoy each minute that I have to live the days of my life. The closer I get to where it is I'm going the easier it seems like it's going to be. I don't know if that makes any sense at all but it's what I'm thinking. Morbidity statistics for my birth group are beginning to rage now even without the epidemics that seem to be flourishing again. Just through normal lifespans all the people that were born on the year or in the year that I was are really begin the flame out according to statistics. It's only normal and perhaps that's the beauty of the whole thing nobody gets to live forever… Well almost nobody…

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