Sunday, October 09, 2022

Both Sides Now


Images taken with my celll phone camera with me
laying back in my chair this afternoon

I'm trying, heroically, to stay calm and not freak out. For once I saved my butt by not having my credit card and debit card in my wallet/pouch or whatever at the same time. Yes you guessed it once again I've lost my complete identification bundle. I had it yesterday because I had coffee with my neighbor across the hall at the little coffee shop across the street. And of course, they're not open on Sundays – – which is a whole other posting – – after which I came home visit with some of my neighbors for a while out out in the sun then pretty much just hung out at the apartment for the rest of the day. I know I didn't go anywhere else. Forward then to this morning when I'm getting ready to head out for breakfast with my son Mark Anthony and of course I couldn't put my hands on the bundle. I thought shirt somewhere in the apartment. But I scoured the bathroom scoured the bedroom and then my writing area in the kitchen not be able to find the pouch anywhere. Right now I'm putting all my hope in that I dropped by wallet at the coffee shop and hopefully somebody turned the wall of them and it sitting there waiting for me. However, I have a knot in the stomach indicating that is not case and that I'm going to finally have to make the decision to cancel the credit card and try to figure out a way to replace my Social Security card – – which of course it was in the wallet. I don't know where else it can be like I said thank goodness I wasn't all over everywhere yesterday pretty much just here in the coffee shop the bumble has to be somewhere in between. This is a bundle that Dianne got me in the hopes that I would wear it around my neck every time I went out to prevent exactly this scenario but of course I got lazy and just wrap the string around it stuffed in the front pocket of my little carrier and it's gone.

The lesson, if there is one, though I think I'm beginning to learn is to not sweat the big deal I've learned the hard way everything is replaceable even if I have to cancel the card I can do that and then trace all the accounts that I have tied that card to replace with the new card. I assume the same would be true basically for my Social Security card if I deem to go that route. But in the back of my mind is always hope that some good souls will turn the whole thing in. Fortunately, as I alluded to earlier I had the debit card set out on my secretary in my bedroom with my cashbox. And since we arenow well into the month all of the payments that come out of my credit card have been made so are okay till 1 November. I still feel totally stupid for this to happen. I didn't know what else to do after I got home and gone through the apartment but to go out in the sunshine until my chair back and looked clouds and I think of Joni Mitchell and Both Sides Now. I even took a few images… Enjoy…

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