Sunday, October 23, 2022

Nonchalant Sunday

Of course we didn't get near the amount of snow which is been forecast which is probably good I should not complain since I had to be out in the weather this morning to get up to D's restaurant for our Sunday breakfast. I wasn't sure if we were going to have one today partially because of the weather and partially because Mark Anthony had a gig late last night that I knew would be tired but we were able to pull it off. Jasmine is in California this week with her family doing Disneyland. So is just Mark and I but we enjoyed our company. I was kind of surprised at how many people missed this last week when we went to Betos. It was nice to be messed. Aside from that however, I really haven't done much at all today except just how you out watching way too much television but it was fun to do with the cloud covered day with hints of winter laced in. I really wanted to write the day off is a snow day it was not a snow day a bit of a rain day but nothing that I want to be out in that was for sure. I did enjoy train up my heater and laying back and watching and streaming some fun shows.

I'm not looking at a much more aggressive week in the next 7 days almost a copy of the preceding. There will be cooler much cooler weather and a chance for more precipitation. Tuesday looks rather good for traveling and it sounds like we will have another Assist meeting. This is good I don't mind is not really cold enough to really to curtail my travels. Of course I'm wearing shorts is always. I'm surprised at how many people at this facility don't realize is where shorts all year round. There always commenting on how cold and good and get because I'm in shorts silly people. But, aside from the one meeting don't have much on deck which I guess is a good thing. I was pretty excited because I was able to text with Dianne last night which I've not been for some time. She seems to be holding up well under the Parkinson's disease process. I'm still quite worried about her as far as her long-term housing goes. Hopefully she can remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. I just want her to be in the safest and secure us to situation for herself and her disease process. It is really rough be in this old really is.

I really don't have a whole lot more to add for today's blog except that I'm somewhat excited about heating up the stew for tonight's dinner and biscuit. I found a plastic container store the rest of the biscuits in which I think will keep the biscuits somewhat fresh and have them available for biscuits and gravy. I think I'm going to offer biscuits and gravy to my home health person, tomorrow. I think she enjoys great biscuits and gravy. Beside from that I'm doing okay. I was totally impressed when I turn over looked at the clock when I 1st woke this morning and saw that it was 15 minutes after 5 AM which was the longest I've slept for a long time. It is felt great. I got the bed back together again and now my little concerned about tonight since I had so much sleep and I have not done anything really to tire myself out physically. Maybe I'll just enjoy the warm bed all night long. Supposed to be just above freezing tonight so I should be just fine…

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