Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Tuesday's Travels


Autumn colors at the downntown library

Whether it's global warming or just lucky the season of he continues. However with the long darkness of night temperatures do plummet a bit but not consequential than with the sun comes over the East Mountains the day warm significantly and nicely. In an interesting event yesterday my contact at assist, Inc. called me to inform me that they were planning a meeting this morning to sign contract approvals. I figured was going to be a long session just because we had not met in about 3 weeks. Either way, I was excited to have a reason to go down to catch the bus into the city.

I cannot, however, not be aware how beautiful the morning was and the fact autumn indeed was on its way global warming or not. So moved by the pre-autumn colors that I stopped and grabbed of image or two. I'm expecting much more color next week or the week after sense we figure that we can take a week off next week. Otherwise of excited. Caroline the other individual on this volunteer board that I set on to approve these contracts was not feeling well and did not participate in the days meeting. This is okay with me because it allows us to get through the meeting quite quickly and that we did. The meeting was supposed to begin at 11 AM but rarely does that happen. I'd stopped earlier and got a cup of coffee and pastry from the coffee shop next to the Assist office. This will shop is terribly overpriced but certainly is a great place to kill time. I did just that enjoying my eclair and coffee.

I'm always amazed at the total change in personnel and feeling that the assist office now has. It's kind of hard to believe. I've grown to like the staff, the new staff. What was just one or 2 staff members there may have been more but we didn't see them now is a bustling office 5 or 6 folks working working on all kinds of architectural stuff the other projects the operation is going. The new director is also an architect is seemingly youngish but has a lot of unique experiences which I'm quite impressed with. Is totally different than old Roger the previous director was but I still think a nice fit to the organization and its history. As I indicated it's a new look and feel and will be interested to see how it unfolds itself in the future. My part of the volunteer section is not changed much at all. I continue to show up when they have the meetings listened to the documentation and sign where they say sign and write what they want me to write. Sometimes I scratch my head a little bit but I figure and oversight committee somewhere will ferret everything out if and when the time comes to such a thing. For the time being I'm just happy to be part of an organization that's providing services to people who are low income and specifically in my case, people with disabilities. Sometimes it gets a little embarrassing because it doesn't take me long to launch into some kind of oration of “how things used to be” in the old days as far as housing goes and how different things are now particular agency organizations like Utah parents center as well as the Utah for housing coalition. I wish there been some sort of history left of these organizations and programs of how they were got to be were there at today seems a totally got compromised and sucked in the system. Not assist, Inc. however, sort of stayed true to their self and continued to be a small but essential elitist organization existing in Salt Lake

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