Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Once Again, Typical


You all know how much I hate change and how grumpy it makes me.

Today is Tuesday and of course like many Tuesdays throughout the year I have the opportunity the privilege to serve on volunteer board for a local private nonprofit. This allows me to “saddle up” and had in to the city via bus as well as train. More than just a change of pace and a chance to visit friends at the private nonprofit that gives me the added benefit of thinking I have value to the community. Illusionary as that might be I hold tightly to the illusion. Once again “Change” has challenged me and I'm having to accept something different in my life. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but there are maybe for wheelchair stations on each tracks coach. There may be more but that's what sticks in my mind right now. These are just inside the door that has the ramp that lets people at wheeled devices on the vehicle. The space large enough for person in a power chair or any kind of a wheelchair to face forward on the train. The only contenders for the spot where folks on bikes as well as folks standing often stand about spot. Over the years they've been trained fairly well to give up that spot for folks in wheelchairs when they're on board. Today I noticed, for the 1st time since I last traveled on tracks that that spot is been kind of replaced by seats that the able-bodied folks can sit. I suppose it be great for seniors too. And of course there's the ever present sign that says please give up seat for people in wheelchairs and seniors they make it sound like it's voluntary but obviously it is so their all kind of folks sitting in this area today. I found a place I could sort of sit out of the way but it wasn't my regular spot but I've gotten accustomed to. This is just so like the authority to pull something like this .

As I wrote on the train into the city I noticed a handle underneath the bench and wondered if it was a release that would fold the seats up. Fortunately before I had to get off at the library the individuals sitting in the seats got up and left. I rolled over and pulled the handle and sure enough the seats looked up. There was space for I could set similar to were I used to be. It is not near as much room as these folding seats take up some space. Now it's just a matter of me having enough assertive behavior assert my right to sit in that zone. Or will I just accept the situation in sit where I can for my trip? Yes I know I probably need a good course in assertiveness training. It's just so frustrating thinking that you've integrated into the system only to find out that integration is okay as long as it's impacting able-bodied's conveniences. Like I said more of the same some things never change I'm such a fool…PS 60 days till Christmas…!

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