Saturday, October 01, 2022

So It Begins


What a class A, a number 1 beautiful day. Granted, I did wear long sleeves because I plan to be out doing something somewhere today. The northern breeze was not blowing like yesterday. I can probably gotten away shirtsleeves but I think I still felt most comfortable now long sleeves. Billie and I met for coffee this morning at the coffee shop across the street. This is becoming a Saturday function for us. The couple coffee some gossip and then we are both on our various ways.

Since the apartment was clean and I whipped up the dishes last night and the washes down I figured why not head out a little bit to explore. My butt felt pretty good and I got fairly decent sleep but it was a little weird waking at 3 AM. A little concerned I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep and I don't think I really did but I did snatch a few pieces of rest until 6 AM when I did decide to get up.

My goal today was to go up to Smith's at 7000 S. and check out their meat. I've always been impressed when I have looked at their prices usually when I get my toenails clipped. Today was no different for having this two-for-one sale I got a ton of meat for 20 bucks. Their large pieces of meat steak, boneless but I wasn't sure I knew what I was going to do with it but I got it anyway figuring if nothing else I can freeze it and then figure out what I want to do at that later on. I also stopped at the DI to pick up another book and to see what else was around. I really need to get another butter coffin. I have no idea where the one I has has vanished to. I eventually found 2 items that might work a book and meat thermometer. Sadly only one butter receptacle survived the trip home as well as the novel. The rest of the bag of DI stuff hanging from the back of my chair somehow got tangled in the wheels and one of the vessels were is crushed. Still trying to debris back there going to have to have Mark Anthony or whoever see if they can free up.

Aside from the destruction of the DI bag I got home okay. In this afternoon/evening I made dinner after I processed issues pieces of meat. I ended up buying some freezer bags from the dollar store on the way home and cut the pieces of meat into hand sized pieces putting them into the freezer bags. I got about 5 bags that each one will make a least one meal. I saved one piece in its regular size which I cut into 1 inch strips roughly. Somewhere along the line in this blog I've talked about Idaho's finger sticks that are used to get from the Hawkins red Steer. My goal was to turn this one piece into finger sticks. I got one of those cans of Chinese or Japanese breadcrumbs that followed the recipe on the back for fish sticks using instead my finger steaks. I got a little creative adding tablespoon garlic salt and pepper to the mix. I found a container for a couple eggs to use as the sticky matter to cover the median before I dredge it in the crumbs which I did. I dug out a old bottle of olive oil part about a quarter inch thick amount into the frying pan heated up and went to town. I was very pleased with the way it turned out. I need to get more pepper and to use more garlic what I think the project was a success. Now I can throw the meat into the refrigerator and I'll have a meal for tomorrow keeping everything on the easy wheezy process.

Even if I hadn't cook the meat tonight I would've counted the day as a success. I really have convinced myself that it's worth the extra effort to go the extra mile to get the extra value that Smith's offers over Macy's next-door. A real impressed with the beef.… Then I found out today was Gen. Conference! I used to never not know when that will coming up. I truly have lost touch…

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