Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday Breakfast Burrito


Thank goodness for rituals I finally left the confines of the apartment complex today due primarily to the ritual of having Sunday morning breakfast with my son and sometimes granddaughter. Today was extra special because we are trying a new place for breakfast. Not that we've grown board are tired of D's restaurant we are just interested in doing something different and seeing how much if any thing we liked. There is a Betos Mexican restaurant about a half a block further down than the restaurant we usually go to. Of course, whenever we pick something we've got to find something for someplace that is in fairly easy rolling distance for me. This means accessible by bus line. But of course the problems run into on Sunday mornings is that the current transit authority runs slower and fewer lines on Sundays. So it would be easiest for me to stick somewhere on Redwood Road. Today was Betos.

I actually like this place, Betos. They are one of the few places that remained open during the pandemic couple years ago. Betos still has a problem with opening up there inside dining. As a consumer you have to about pound on the door to get the attention of whoever's working the let you in. What you said during the shutdown actually rolled through the joined couple times I mean the drive-through and I enjoyed what I got the rice and beans particularly sometimes that being the only order. I was the 1st person to get to the restaurant this morning's like I said it was locked up tight but they said they were open.. Jasmine showed up finally been Mark Anthony and if I got the attention of the 2 workers inside who opened up the doors for us and a couple of the patrons at had shown up. The Betos experience was bit different than the D's restaurant. For one there's no coffee! Scott surprised when asked if they wanted to go somewhere else both kids so they want to stay here so we did. We drank water is our beverage and ordered the breakfast burrito – – which is the only breakfast type of food product that they have. It's whatever you want bacon and eggs, sausage and eggs, treats over legs etc. etc. all wrapped up in a giant tortilla good 8 inches long and about 3 inches thick not thicker. I cannot believe people eat that much food in one setting. It's quite a bit different when maybe the same amount of food is spread out over your plate that haven't all rolled up into a compact burrito/tortilla is somewhat mind blowing. The breeder was great however. I'd forgotten that I'd had them in the past and I think you're just ideal for on the go dining which I believe a lot of their clientele is during the workweek. Stop at Betos grab breakfast and lunch at the same time. Everybody love their Fritos everybody only ate half electing to take the rest with us to dine someplace else at some further time in the afternoon or evening. We had somewhat compact conversation which is good. Fast food fast conversation I guess it all works out. You have an extended version when you do this at a restaurant with the seating ritual, menu reading and then selection them bring in the food. It's a different kind conversation versus the intimate direct conversation of having a Sunday morning breakfast in the seating area of a fast food joint. I don't know if we will do this again sometime soon. We are thinking of checking out a few other restaurants relatively close on Redwood Road. I think we may end up coming back to the D's restaurant just because a familiarity and convenience to me the old guy. And besides is not necessarily where and what you eat for your Sunday morning breakfast it's the company that you keep…

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