Monday, October 10, 2022

Candy Patrol


I think one of the saddest things about the human condition, more specifically the species itself this need to control somebody anybody that you deem is less than yourself. Just totally ridiculous if he asked me. I guess in the personal need to distinguish oneself from the herd many the folks here at the apartment complex tend to decorate their front doors or front door area. This is somewhat seasonal, which only makes sense I guess, and of course there's great delight during the holiday season of Halloween. It astounds me how many people and how much effort they invest in decorating little areas outside the entrance to their apartments. I've thought about it in the operative verb is “thought”, but I kind of really need as much room as I can get open up my door sometimes if there is just a blockage on the other side of the door (where you would put a stand of some sort). It would be more trouble than it's worth.

My neighbor across the hall Billie, I'm sure I've written about her before, is your quintessential social person. She loves people and she loves to make people happy. Excitedly, she change the settings of the small table beside her door 1 October putting out a dish with traditional Halloween candies especially candy corn and other such treats. I mean seriously even in the best situations I don't believe many people are going to stop and pick off pieces of candy for the plate. I do, but you know that that's me. I often stop by her door on the way out of the building sometimes and grab a handful of candy put into my backpack for my trips during the day to have something sweet to chew on and to keep my blood sugars intact. I really don't know that much about blood sugars but made sense from people I have known with sugar issues and hypoglycemic challenges. So, there is a cute little saucer of candy sitting on the outside of her door that all the sudden one day she gets a knock on her door. It's one of the other apartment renters. Who started to inform Billie how unsanitary having open candy outside your door could be. I mean open candy candy that is not individually wrapped are wrapped to protect from rogue fingers and tongues defiling the little sugar treats. Of course, Billie was totally sucker punched, and total social shock took over her poor body. This is a person who strives daily to please everybody in her universe. It's important to her and to have people criticize her for unsanitary treats is almost beyond her ability to comprehend but of course she agrees with the neighbor or whoever and soon I notice the same dish on the little table but all the little pieces of candy corn have been put in the small plastic baggies and placed back on the dish. Then this morning I noticed she had added professionally wrapped candies like butterscotch lozenges, candies and red wrappers and so forth. I guess you want to make a statement that you could choose live on the wild side of the open candies in plastic bags or be safe with industrial/professionally wrapped candies probably from the market across the street were only you have to worry about sucking candy lozenges in your windpipe and meeting a sweet end. It's a shame though to get to be 80 years old and worry about the “candy police”…

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