Tuesday, December 20, 2022

2 Bucks


I can't remember if I've belabor this point, and really right now I'm too lazy to go back and looking up, but this year I decided I'm really not send out Christmas cards as I have in the past. Aside from a few close associates/friends I basically said cards to my brothers and sisters and a few other family members. Probably around 12 to 14 cards in total on the Goodyear. However, I don't know it's just me or somebody at the post office has a vendetta for me but I've just gotten sick and tired of going through all the stress of digging up to Christmas cards, filling them out and sealing them up and finally stamping them dragging the cards to my mail room only to have the majority of the cards return indicating the read the writing! Are shown these letters/cards and other folks who indicate they can decipher the handwriting without problem. I don't know what it was something just this year, something ticked in my head is that I'm through. I think a couple of my brothers and sisters had the same thought process either that or just scratched me off the list when they didn't get a card from me

because my cards were returned “eligible”.

We've had a bunch of people die here at the complex which means a bunch of new people moved in. I'm surprised at how many are Smiler's happy happy happy. I never thought about it that also means people who still circulate Christmas cards. Seems I always get one or 2 cards from somebody here at the facility but this year I've already got about 4 and one of the end card and she had money inside. Granted it was just a $2 bill but this is a Christmas card substance. I was kind of blown away. Who gives out two dollar bills? Grandparents that's who! A lot of folks got the $2 Christmas card which means she's really serious about Christmas greetings. It's kind of nice not like you're going to spend it. A $2 bill such a freak of nature just keep it in your dresser drawer, secretary or were you keep your other little treasures. Unless you get caught in the real financial emergency that $2 might make the difference that bill will stay there until the day they cart you away and go through your belongings. I have another 2 old bill in the bottom of my moneybox hidden under a piece of paper that I've had for years literally decades that I just can't bring myself to spend actually I have two dollar bills plus the one I got today. They're beginning to add up. Maybe I'll advanced the curse when I get a few more $2 bills accumulated also developed as Christmas gifts is that Grinch?

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