Thursday, December 08, 2022

Sleepy Thursday


I'm caught no weird cycle right now I'm not sure why but every morning I wake about 3:00 AM that really don't get back to sleep. I'm hoping this is just been 2 days in a row is really nothing. Yesterday I was thinking it was because I didn't work the day before on Tuesday is also busy all day that's why woke early on Wednesday morning but oddly I function pretty well through the whole day. And this morning again woke around 3:00 AM (guided workout yesterday I pumped my 1 hour on the arm bike would usually does the trick) and I may have been able to get back to sleep but it was Thursday and I had to be up by 930 at least ready and ready to go for coffee group. As much as I am ambivalent towards this function I certainly think it's important that I should I don't know why it's a whole new crew and like I say not nearly as engaging as it used to be I guess. Perhaps, it was the snow that fell during the night in the early morning parking lot maintenance folks running of their trucks for snow removal that will me fill me with excitement of the storm also with some trepidation.

My experience is that that snow will slowly be removed people contracted by this apartment organization. This organization totally believes the contract of removing snow up to the property line. I appreciate that I singled to the contract but what I found in the past that significant amounts of snowfall was that they did a great job of cleaning the sidewalks up to the side gate but stopped right there living in many cases a 6 to 8 inch wall of snow which eventually trust is from the property line to the bus stop the use for the 217. I have before about how simple it would be just to just incorporate the 10 to 20 feet from the gate to the bus stop certainly make life a lot easier for myself and a lot of my other companions here at the apartment complex all were seniors and many are senior women often with walkers and other wheeled devices they use for mobility and their stupid dogs. I was impressed this morning when I checked the snow been removed from the sidewalk and it was clear sailing all the way to the bus stop. I don't know if the company did that wasn't enough snow to cause a problem. Response to have further snow later this week maybe there will be enough that we can test the folks and see how will they clean the snow pass the property line.

Perhaps the best part of my day was my brother, older brother, stopping by the apartment complex on his way to the market. This is kind of new behavior looking out for the kid brother. I definitely like it and enjoy anytime I get to spend with my older brother. His time/my time/our time is short even in the best of circumstances even though we're both relatively healthy comparatively speaking we're both at a point where we can go at any time and I will miss him terribly if he goes 1st. I suppose if I go 1st it's a moot point everyone will breathe a sigh of relief the family gimp is out of the way. Boy, was that dark. Often wondered why he and I have paired up together. It was like it was meant to be that we should hang out together and he was supposed to take care of me even though I like to believe I'm independent. I would like to think some romantic thoughts like my dad/mom forced him to make a pledge that they would look after me after they were gone but he was doing out long before they left.. Cannot see my dad doing something like that but I certainly wouldn't put it past my mom. But he certainly is attending much more than before. Hope all is well which I think it is.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas or maybe feel like Christmas. Gifts are beginning to show up on the door and in the mailbox. My granddaughter threatened to come over sometime in the next week or so decorate my apartment for the holiday if so this be the 1st year that I will deck the Halls. Who knows I might be a good change…

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