Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Day


I wish I could say I was feeling better but I'm feeling a bit under the weather this Christmas evening. It's been a trying day and the only bright spot was having Christmas with my kids who came over in the evening to bring gifts and food. Thank goodness for that and thank goodness for my son who came over and clean me up after a bowel meltdown.

All day long and yesterday too I've actually been trying to keep myself from pooping. I guess I have a full bowel is reaching its empty .48 hours before is going to be able to have very home health person assist me with this process. I was cramping trying to move very little cannot irritate the bowel into dumping. I plan to meet with Mark Anthony and Jasmine and Jaxon during the afternoon to the gift exchange actually there bringing gifts to be. I was losing the battle I can tell like Mark Anthony and to advise them that they would not be a good day for the event very tomorrow (after my home health people show up) we could do it. Finally it asked what was wrong with you I told him he said he would over and assist me. That's great! I should've asked earlier but I know he is so busy doing what he's doing in his life. Really doesn't need another level of stress, being me. However, even after I told Mark my dilemma is said to be happy to come over and assist in any way that he could.

In the old days, before the neural surgical interventions I could lift my own self and the toilet do my own business (but I've already harped on that) now I need help. I currently get assistance 3 times a week and Friday to Monday is the longest stretch I go to the guest during the holiday week it was too much. I never seem to have an issue with the programs are every other day it's just that while stretch the extra day of the weekend where experience the most discomfort often sitting on a full bowel by Monday morning. Like I said this holiday week which is probably too much. But time work as they got here I was close I was hoping I could just jump from my chair to the charger which sits over the commode and discharge my load that didn't happen. I got just barely on the seat are barely off of my wheelchair cushion not even really off of everything like no and boy was that a mess.. and Mark Anthonywas a real trooper. Mark got be situated on the commode which was a lot of work then he methodically cleaning the chair in the wheelchair cushion and the floor and the toilet afterwards..

We got finished in time to have Jasmine and Jaxon come over who brought real food from their family function as well as tons of gifts. I was totally spoiled they all add a great dimension to my life no question about it. I got great gifts blankets, pencils, a new pillow and so much more to do Jaxon that so excited. It's late now and I'm still feeling weak so I'm going to crash. As I told Jasmine said that my best Christmas in years and years she has made all the difference with everyone else will be all very Christmas to all and to all the good night…

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