Saturday, December 03, 2022

Busy Saturday


Woman with a full shopping cart of packages to be mailed at the post office I was right behind

I kind of surprised myself with how I was able to get myself up regardless of the arm on my chair that refused to go down. Remember, couple months ago the same thing happened the left arm of my chair has to go down so I can access my bed and by the same token access my power chair from the bed when I get up in the morning. When they fix the arm they always keep the arm from sliding down, the way I need to, which terribly upset my whole lifestyle. Last night a kind jumped over the arm after getting it down as much as I could. This morning, had the same problem but it reversed but I was eventually able to get my self in the chair and tilted back to slide myself more securely in the chair and eventually got on with my day. I was truly hoping I can get someone stop by and adjust that arm but that didn't happen just too many people with too many of the things to do. I did make it the coffee however with my neighbor across the hall Billie or we discussed the issue of being seniors and as such having to wait for everybody else for assistance. I told her that I was already used to this phenomenon being a person with a significant disability but it was relatively new to her since she became of advanced age and had rely on others for significant things in her life. Now I hope that if I have Mark Anthony's attention tomorrow at breakfast I can get him to twist the bolts and adjust the angle of the armrest. I had a brief moment of hope tonight as I my dinner and got a text from Alan the wheelchair guy mechanic asked what I needed because I texted him this morning early in hopes that I can get him to stop by and make the adjustments but I guess that's not go to happen at this point it's almost 7 o'clock in the evening. So just one more transfer and out of bed and hopefully I'll be okay for Monday morning.

I was energized however to the point that I was going to go to the bank and get $20 bills, quarters and then stop at Harmon's on the way home and get stamps. Imagine my frustration when I got to my credit union branch and find it all locked up, the only thing available was the money machine which I don't trust at all. I did get stamps however and finally home to more apartment and I've pretty much enjoyed the rest of the day. At least I can get envelopes printed and letters printed and the envelope stamped. Monday hopefully, I can get to the branch and get the bills, coins and cash that I need to finish the December mail out. I still have to locate some labels if I really want to do any Christmas cards.

So proud of myself. I actually roasted some chicken breasts I got from food bank last summer. I opened a can of cranberry sauce to use with my Thanksgiving leftovers in one of the reason to use the rest of the cranberry sauce as opposed to throwing it away. Long story short I tried to make the breasts in my toaster oven which really should've worked with didn't. I cooked it for hundred the way they said but it wasn't getting down could tell that. Finally pulled the stuff out of their oven, the big oven, after my breasts in their encrypted for another 20 minutes 400 seemed to do the trick and I must admit the roast chicken breast was great with the cranberry sauce a couple tablespoons of dressing I had in the fridge. I should've opened up some green beans or corner something to go along with it sought out some vegetables but I just ate the dressing and the chicken had a great little Saturday night dinner. It was cold this morning out riding the bus but I use a blanket over my legs and my red jacket I did okay…

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