Thursday, December 01, 2022

Coffee Madness


The sky is dark outside its blustery. It's the classical “warm up before the storm”. The temperature should rise to somewhere in the 40s to be for the cold front swoops down and drag the temperature along with its plus the threat of snow. The snow will come in during the evening hours climaxing in the morning hours the snow on the belly or threatening the morning commute. Luckily I do not have to worry about such an event since I'm retired and I don't have to leave the apartment for any reason that I can think of right this minute. I have coffee, eggs bacon bread for toast milk in the box and can canned fruit all yes and steaks and 3 streaming services. I don't have to leave for a week if I don't have to. A little heater keeps twisting back and forth for about 73° heat and I'm quite comfortable. The only thing which would make this better would be if I was sitting in my own power chair about my backup monstrosity. But just for reference: I have been contacted by the wheelchair shop in my repair chair should be here by 4 PM. I still will transition into that chair until tomorrow when I will have Gloria transfer me into my repair chair after the morning program. I guess I could be singing stanzas from “let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow” that would be to quaint.

Coffee this morning was lackluster at best with small bagels smothered with sour cream. I still long for donuts but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon that is of course less I bring the doughnuts myself which could be done. I could voluntarily shut out 10 bucks for 12 donuts my contribution to the coffee group. In honesty I do enjoy going to the group even though it is somewhat tedious and really is beginning to bring out my worst self. I've not started attacking people personally but I certainly spiel my sarcastic wit, that dangerous tool which if used effectively can lay an appointment down like freshly cythed wheat. Yes I know, I have issues. I escaped the group without hurting anybody, to my knowledge. Fortunately I had the noble excuse of having to attend to my clothes in the wash. People always excuse you for that. Seriously, I forgot or I forget how difficult it really is to live without a chair with elevator function. I can't believe I've lived as long as I have without a chair that has elevator function I use it all the time from washing clothes to put it away dishes etc. I limp around with this chair that's in desperate need of service itself. I'm getting to the point where I can only go in one direction which is to the right. I can eventually go left but requires read turning my chair's the right delegates to our why go and then go in that direction and even then it's, kind of iffy. I make it so I just have to wait a few more hours tomorrow should be a new day in a new way in my newly repaired power chair…

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