Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Coffee and a Little Bit Snow


They were not kidding said colder was coming in after the storm which came through earlier this week. The skies are beautiful today total sunshine but the one time I went out to test the outside is driven back immediately just from the cold. I hate to be such a wuss space after all the temperature dropped in the 40s and I was out and about all winter long with temperatures far colder but I guess it's just the fact that I've acclimated to the spring and that's where I want to be in the warm weather. The day was not a complete waste however I did get my clothes washed for the week and of course the physical workout which I still think is really important for me.

Speaking of weather tomorrow I have slated besides coffee social a writers Guild luncheon that Dee's restaurant just up streetAnd of course we will meet about 1 o'clock in the afternoon useful to be having some challenges weather. If it is bad weather it won't be too bad it's just up the street. The effort would be worthwhile to see my 2 friends and have lunch and discuss our lives seem to be turning out. They said they might be snow But I doubt there will be much snow just yucky rain and wind. Well worth it to spend time with my literary friends.

As I indicated earlier tomorrow is the coffee social. When I 1st started attending I was impressed by the fact that they had sausage gravy and biscuits at the social. They did not have this fair every day or at every social but left a little confused that was a some breakfast or was it a basically treat that you got when you came to the social. After a while sausage and biscuits tended to disappear and the English lady The sort of took over the “refreshments” started bringing her homemade cinnamon rolls which a 1st for a nice change but then that's all there was every Thursday and they got old. Now that I've started doing the refreshments one of the folks that's helping me has thought she would like to reinstate the the baking soda biscuits and gravy. However, not thinking she posted an announcement on the bulletin board and started getting questions from everybody who doesn't ever attend the coffee group but one of the free breakfast so we've stifled baking soda biscuits and gravy for the time being opted to bring it back when we can better control attendance. At the current time we are averaging between 10 and 12 participants at the coffee social this includes me. We are sure that would blossom significantly if we made the thing look like a complete breakfast. Where that is not a bad idea on the table just yet. Maybe we could do a general breakfast once a month as a way to bring residents together. We've had quite a bit turnover this last year so that would be a bad idea As far as icebreakers Go. The little lady who was thinking of doing the sausage breakfast confided in me now that she would be picking up the refreshments for tomorrow she really worries about me being out in traffic. I really worry about her driving around in her minivan at around 90 years old so I guess it's just about equal either way one of us will no doubt die Getting refreshments sooner or later…

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