Saturday, April 15, 2023

Pickled Peppers and Me


Today was not as warm as I would've liked it to have been but the sunshine bright all day long and it was warm enough to get by with just longsleeve shirt and a good cap On. I had coffee with my friend Janet this morning over the little coffee shop across the street from the apartments. I didn't wear shoes sometimes it makes me nervous not to wear shoes in the public place especially when they have one of those Redneck signs “no shoes no shirt no service” plastered over the cash register or something. I really never been not serviced when I showed up with no shoes – – which is most of the time except the dead of winter – – I can always feign I have something wrong with my feet which prevents me from wearing shoes. Of course the naked talk about while why don't you wear socks or was your blanket. You want to be good disabled guy don't you should have your lap blanket on covering your feet and your lap. Luckily, never had to deal on those levels but I think I could figure it out. These folks know me well enough to let it slide. Didn't seem to be a cloud in the sky so I figured after we finished our weekly coffee I would take off head south and purchase this huge can of sliced jalapeno peppers.

As you know I've been doing jalapeno peppers of the daily level for years now. I use the sliced peppers in my morning drink but that's already documented in this blog. Trouble is I go through these cans of pickled peppers as well as pickled carrots way to quickly. I don't think I'm worried too much about the expense though I think I should be but it's just a hassle having to open up another can every other day or so. As far as I can ascertain there are 3 can sizes a small and medium in a large. I like the small cans I think they're like around 7 ounces or so and I dumped them into my pepper pitcher, then there's a larger can which seems not be around 12 or 14 ounces I can't remember maybe more to the seems like there relatively large. The there's a jumbo size which I never see but I know they have them just because because that's how it restaurants usually get there items of restaurant size. I've kind of been looking around the last couple months trying to find something like that in a couple weeks ago I did at the Smith superstore down at 90th S. Redwood Rd.I've been intimidated to buy one of these cans for a number of reasons one is their huge and usually I don't have a way to carry them and secondly I'm not really sure how to open the can if I were to buy it and then once open how I am going to store the sliced Peppers? Plus there's the issue of having to change buses from route 217 throughout 218. The 217 runs every 15 minutes the 218 runs once an hour which is a big deal and the long wait. Today I was going to take that wait timeAnd get one of these cans once and for all and see if it's worth the energy.

I lucked out and figured out that I can actually time the buses so I didn't have to really wait that long. And since the Smiths is a superstore is always stuff to do and tells time to catch the bus back so it's a win-win. I got to the store and found the Cans of sliced pickled Peppers. There on the floor of course I had to find someone to reach them for me. I guess the cans have a number of number 10 can size, I think for 10 pounds but actually this can of peppers weighs 5 pounds and some change. Still at a lot of peppers I had the person double or triple bag can implement of my book between my legs to get a home. The can's huge I still have Figure out how to open it and the other issue of storage but I think it'll be fun figuring it out. Now, I'm searching for the same size of can for the pickled carrots which ever really grown to enjoy. I need to speak with the manager of that Smith's or maybe even the manager of my Macy's across the street and see what it would take to get them to order these larger canned items in. I know this a couple restaurants stores downtown that sell product to restaurants maybe have a source as well. I mean I don't want this thing taken over my life but I don't want to run out of peppers either

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