Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday's Rain


I'm serious, I knew that the only day this week that I really need to be out and about was my assist meeting downtown Salt Lake and I also knew that if there is good to be major precipitation this week it was going to be during the time when I would be out and about probably coming home from my assist meeting. And sure enough my luck helped the form and by the time we are three fourths of the way through today's meeting sure enough under was rumbling almost shaking a little building we were in. Perhaps if I wasn't so greedy I could've best a lot of the torrential events but Surprisingly Andrea's had checks for us today. It seems like they just paid this a few weeks ago that's okay. I felt I needed the cash the check which would mean heading south 3 or 4 blocks to my credit union and then maybe having some lunch across the street at my favorite Hispanic fast food joint Taco Time!

Sure enough we were finished right around 11:45 AM as I headed out I could sense the storm coming in huge dark clouds over my right shoulder as I tried to zip down the street to the credit union and soon I was being pelted by fingertip sized pellets of ice, hail was coming down like the 10 Commandments. I wouldn't of been surprised that the is it struck flames when it hit the concrete but it didn't – – which is a good sign. But it was hitting me the ice pellets. I figured something was going to happen but I left the apartment this morning. I did want to wear a heavy jacket but I wanted some protection so I took one of my flannels with the head hole cut in the values as a poncho or blanket depending on my need. Today I needed both. There were great peals of thunder amid flashes of lightning the hailstorm turned to a downpour, not a sideways deluging I mean the rain wasn't coming sideways but it was coming down driven by gale force winds. I was pretty wet by the time I got to the bank by cash my check and then waited by the front door to look like the rating was weakening a little bit and drop my chair in the gear headed down the corner across the street and into Taco Time. I used a little restraint and got a small drink with cheesy potatoes and a taco burger. I have found the taco burger taco time delight that's never on the menu but I always conserved when I asked for it. I was a little dismayed because it didn't have any of their signature fruit punch soy diet Dr Pepper and call that even.

But you can imagine I set out the most difficult part of the storm nursing my small order and enjoying the sliced jalapenos server kept bringing me. The cheesy tots were good as well and by the time the rate had diminished at made a decision to jump the bus which has stop right there by the fast food joint as opposed to making the 3 blocks over to the light rail line. The bus was late but that was okay because I was nearly dry by that point in time had my black flannel covering myself next to feeling a bit warm. The rest of the trip was without event that's a blessing. It's a long ride from 700 S. to the Murray track station on the 200 but it was a smarter thing to do considering the storm. But the time I got to the train station where would switch to route 47 westbound storm dissipated in the blue skies house the shining sun. It wasn't very warm but that's okay I had my flannel my guess that's all I needed…

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