Friday, April 21, 2023

Favoring Friday


I should've gone to the market today to get provisions for the weekend but once again the physical nature of the day itself just sapped the will right out of me. Another wet and cold day but I must be patient these days will come to an end, soon, the days will be hot and dry and Unwelcoming and I'll probably stay in the apartment all day because it's too hot outside. Hope that's not the case. Actually, today I could've gone to lunch with my good buddy Duane but I just didn't have the gumption to put together a meeting. He's the one, if you remember correctly, that we always have lunch the park which me for usually just meet during the spring and summer and sometimes fall. I just decided to let the lunch go till next week and hope for better weather.

Today was my home health day with Gloria who I feel is great in much the way and I like the way she takes care of me.. Nothing funnier weird just straightforward and her be in control. She almost gets angry when I do too much stuff for myself when she's here. This morning she even clean up the apartment a little bit making the place much more habitable. In the process she even opened up the giant can of pickled peppers I got from Smith superstore a few weeks ago. It was a difficult task opened up to camp out she did. It took me a while to find different containers to put it in there so many peppers of remits got it figured out now. I just have to get more carrots to go with them or I actually have a sack of carrots I could chop up and add to the peppers in the pepper juice. They have the needed crunch that I need when I enjoy my pickled pepper cocktail. I thought perhaps canned carrots might do the job in there been a couple of cans of canned carrots on the giveaway table last couple days I took one the other night opened it up and was not surprised to find the fruit quite messy and soft and not very tasty. So I'm either going to have to buy carrots in the bag and process them or keep buying the cans of carrots. The only trouble is I've only seen the small cans if anything up like those in between can and ideally another number 10 Was possible. Gloria, has a part-time job working at a local sandwich shop and I asked her if they got there pickles and such in those big cat she said they did but she did not how they got Them. I'm just going to have to corner somebody at the market and see if they can order in the larger canceled pickled peppers and pickled carrots” is so I don't have to go all the way down to The Smiths superstore down on 90th South.

The rest of the day I just enjoyed my Netflix another subscriptions watching this and watching that and sitting back in my chair and taking the weight off my butt. All wounds are healed now and I like to keep it that way for as long as I can. Maybe tomorrow if the weather is not good or warm might focus a little time on the refrigerator and get rid of some of science experiments going on inside right now. I also have to figure out what to do with the rest of the ham and I prepared for for Easter. seriously thought a Pot of ham and beans That really seems like too much work and during up a lot of dishes in preparation as well as storage. Maybe a pic of the bone a little bit and toss the rest. Easter's long time past now my got start thinking about Memorial Day…

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