Friday, April 07, 2023

Easter Holiday Begins


I know it's cliché, but I have to say, I can't believe it's another Friday. The outside atmosphere is valiantly trying to make itself welcoming to someone like me but it seems to be a bigger challenge than I'm willing to work with right now. Today I went out once even though the temperature was pretty nice the clouds and the cool wind drove me immediately back into the comforts of the apartment. I know I should be careful it's easy to get lost in my place and totally enjoy electronic escapes that I have available to me. But I just keep saying one more day it will be warmer and drier or whatever outside in tomorrow I'll get out and enjoy myself in the community. Yep, it's that kind of thinking which totally bums you out when you wake up dead.

It's Easter weekend and it kind of feels like a holiday. I know I've talked about my feelings for Easter and the past as one of the minor holidays and how that's how I was raised but I've changed my thoughts on Easter is a minor holiday welcoming it to the big leagues. I remember my 2nd wife was really into celebrating any holiday she could as a way to close down the office when we work together at the Independent living Center. She was a big advocate for the Easter holiday. I thought it was totally weird at 1st but sort of got behind the ball and pushed it forward. Then living with Dianne I sort of got more of a feeling that the Easter holiday should be brought into the majors that's what I believe now. Even though you couldn't have Easter without Christmas (so Christmas could be a little bit larger) but resurrection! That's pretty massive when you think about it. Raising from the dead?! And then bestowing that is a gift to all human kind that's another major gift. So definitely majors. I guess the larger communities in the East or you have larger Catholic groups good Friday is actually a holiday taken off by many businesses and maybe even state systems but it never really wasn't Idaho. I think the Catholics celebrated good Friday like the Mormon celebrate 24 July like it's their own little holiday. Having Catholic friends from working for a time with Idaho migrant Council with the clinic system I got to see these individuals really celebrating the holiday especially since it was the closure of their giving up whatever they did for Lent. Again, not understanding that process at all going thing I could equate that too would be breaking your fast on fast Sunday in the Mormon domains. Both are forms of self-denial and I guess have some positive consequences. Now however, it's a just another holiday that I kind of block out here at the facility department complex. I don't know yet if will be doing breakfast on Easter morning – – we should since we didn't have breakfast last week. I think going to breakfast as early as we do around 8 o'clock in the morning that will miss the “Easter rush” and be on our respective ways. I thought about getting a ham to cook which might be a lot of fun – – and a lot of work – – for a whole lot of red meat salted protein. I still might. This afternoon one of my neighbors brought over I think barbecue rib some potatoes and rice. This person speaks very little English and we just wave to each other and communicate as best we can in the hallway. This is really the 1st time she ever offered be anything like a meal and I was quite flattered. I guess what I'm getting to is I might be interested in grabbing a chicken and either put it in the crockpot are funded in barbecue sauce and baking it whatever you do to it in the oven that would be great except also be very messy but maybe that's half the funOf barbecue.

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