Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Night Moments


I wish I was more motivated but it's cold, it's cloudy and this morning my caregiver found a wound on my butt. It's small and I think manageable, easily but still it's there a reminder that I'm not invincible and every day I think I become more and more vulnerable to the savages ravages of age. Hopefully I'm not sounding depressed just thoughtful. Sometimes I become a little worried about how much time I spend in the apartment these days. I'm really not do anything great stupendous just getting through each day, washing a few dishes, drinking some coffee as well as enjoying my pickled peppers and vegetable juice as well as the daily right on my arm bike (workout) and the joy of blogging. And of course thrown in there is usually they watching of the noon news and the evening news and maybe a movie or 2 depending on my guilt level. I try to get to bed by 10 or 1030So that I can read for a while and I usually turn the lights off about 1145 am lucky many times after 12 AM. It's a good life, better than I deserve I still think I should be doing some more of something I'm not sure what.

Speaking of blogs or more specifically this blog. There is a feature on the software which puts the blog up onto the Internet that allows me to see all the comments people leave on the blog. I did not even know there was a feature that did this for the longest time but I'm always surprised that people do leave messages. These messages are few and far between but they still pop up there and I'm amazed. For example yesterday I believe I was checking out the messages which I don't think I've done in over a year, and there was a message from a boy that best friend. He actually checked out my blog on my birthday left a message of salutations and best wishes. I thought this guy had completely forgotten about me what a joy it was to know that he was still interested in our relationship. He wanted me to leave a response to his message that I had seen it and how I was doing. I'll give them a call the next couple days so we can touch base, catch up and see what the plans are for the rest of our life. There is a time when he would come through Salt Lake to visit his kids who are living here. Now, they've moved back to Boise and John no longer travel south to Salt Lake. You certainly left a message indicating that if I got the Boise to look them up. I don't travel anymore there's no way for me to travel that I've figured out so far. I wish that I could love to see the old stomping grounds or least what remains. Luckily, we have technology and a good video chat is almost as good as a visit. I doubt that John uses technology very much is a very fundamental kind of guy. I'm just surprised he gets on the Internet enough to know about my blog. Some people just amaze me.

I know this is somewhat boring but it's another Friday night in Salt Lake County…

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