Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sunshine Day!😊


Finally! A truly spring day worthy of sitting out in the sun and being bathed in vitamin D and enjoying a good book. I'm working on the Stephen King of course it's reading pretty fast couple more days of really good weather, which have been promised, I should have this book out of the way, soon. The day was a gradual warm-up started off really cool and since it was a home health day I wouldn't be able to get out early anyway not at least till 930 or 10 AM. So I didn't go anywhere today just enjoyed the weather.

It's not really a problem but when you set out in the apartment common area to read your book you open yourself up to all the other individuals who live here and go out side as well for one reason or another whether their smokers, walkers are just in between is going in and out of their vehicles. I believe I wrote about this a little bit last summer I became somewhat engulfed in a group of folks who smoked out in the parking area away from the main area of the apartment complex. “Smokers hell” I called it. There's a group about 5 of us have smokers have folks who just like hanging with that group. One of the individuals, Ellen, was a bit younger than most of us but she smoked like a chimney. I'm not sure what her disability was seeing pretty significant to the point where she could no longer live by herself even with home health services. She left 2 or 3 months ago and entered a rehab facility that also had a long-term care group with it. Ellen lives there now the problem is is not on a bus line or close to a bus line. This is my best excuse for not visiting like I probably should be. I think she's a pretty nice facility. I actually did 100 day rehab there couple years ago. This I guess is totally different long-term-care side. All I know is if I did not have the home health services I enjoy I would certainly be in such a place. I just hope I can maintain this level of independence with the supports I have in place for as long as possible.

I got my wash done today. I know this sounds like a small event but to me it's huge. It's part of like what I was talking about earlier about being able take care myself. Washing my clothes weekly keeps independent lets me know I can still maintain. Gloria, my Wednesday Friday person spent a little extra time today sweeping up the kitchen and putting it in order. She washed on the countertops and the stovetop (which really had not been clean since I cooked rice this last week it was a pretty big mess). For her efforts I awarded her 10 bucks which kind of sounds like a lot for a tip but really not at all when you think about the peace of mind what little bit of cleaning she does for me. I would not mind having to do more, however do a couple of specific hours of nothing but cleaning but she doesn't want to get that involved. She does this cleaning just to kill time as I do my business on the toilet. And chances are she would do it anyway whether I paid or are not what little extra I do. Actually it's maybe 2 gallons of gas maybe or one pack of cigarettes and some change. I hope she's able to use this money for stuff that she would never do otherwise. I do appreciate what she does. I'm looking forward to the next couple of days above-average temperatures, dry all the way through the weekend…

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