Saturday, April 01, 2023

Roast and Just a Little Ink


I cooked a roast today! Today was going to be my busy day that is going to go up to the Walmart down the street from where I live about 6 blocks and find some ink for my computer so I can finish the kid letters. I believe I talked about how when I went to print out the letters the printer ran out of ink I tried everything around here to no avail. So, this morning was not raining and no rain is forecast for the day it was going to be somewhat blustery but fairly warm I decided I'd jump the bus and go to Walmart which I did. It wasn't too bad be an outside I did wear when a wide ponchos so in case it got chillier I'd be okay and I was. Walmart is so huge it's hard for me to stay focused but I did find ink and I'm sure that I got the right cartridge. I got the $22 cartridge so I knows there's not going to be a whole lot of ink being there but there be enough to finish this project and a couple more months I'm sure.

The ink was my main goal but I also wanted to pick up a roast. I've been hankering a roast for some time now and today would be as good today as any. I found a little blade roast for around 18 bucks then I remembered I needed medicated body powder. And I was able to find that as well. I picked up a few other things as well for a total of around $66. It's amazing how little one gets for the money anymore. I know it's cliché now that inflation is so bad but you still have to say it. I'm spending like there's no tomorrow is kind of scary but I think I'm okay still at least for a little bit. I got home about 3 o'clock and I wasn't able to get the roast on till I don't know 3:30 PM or something and I had gone high and low cooking for those hours. Finally around 9 o'clock I pulled it out of the crockpot that was going to put it in refrigerator and finish cooking it tomorrow but when I pulled it out and tried it it was nice and tender and tasty and anymore cooking I think would've put it over the edge so I bagged it and put in refrigerator after cool down a bit. The house smells great I love going out and coming back in and getting hit with that aroma. Saturday night which means I go around and collect the garbage bags in the house mainly the bathroom and the bedroom garbage. Typically, I also include the kitchen garbage bag but since I did that earlier in the week I let it go this week at least until Monday or whenever the kitchen garbage didn't need to go out tonigh. I am getting tuckered out now I don't know if I'll clean out the crockpot now until Monday morning. Interesting, Mark Anthony texted that he was feeling sickly Jasmin as well, so is no breakfast tomorrow that's okay with me will be a nice break.

kitchen is bit of a mess it always is when I cook. I'd like to clean up tonight but I just don't think I get around to it halfway to Monday morning do it before Gloria comes. Shortcakes in California, San Francisco next Monday so glorious covering. I'll be okay…

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