Sunday, August 28, 2022

DC Super Pets



I enjoyed DC comics long before Marvel. I think primarily aside from comics like Disney you know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and goofy there the only comic books out there well not really hammering there was war/army type comics as well. I only knew about DC comics that's all you ever saw. Batman, Superman etc. that was good enough for me. Like I've talked about the past my big input of comics was at the school October/Halloween Carnival were kids would bring all the your supplies of comics had be sold there. I often wait until the end and would get the whole box for the signal a few dollars. I had to sort through got rid of a lot like Lulu and other type girl comics but I got a lot of great titles. Of course, when I got to junior high I begin to associate with real comic aficionados. That's what I was turned onto the whole world of Marvel comics and most specifically spider.

With this in mind I decided out take in DC comics animation piece DC super pets. I did not dislike the movie but certainly wasn't up there with what I expect from Marvel. It was sort of like a grand scale Saturday morning superhero cartoon stuff. I made it through the whole movie but there are a couple times where I fought off sleep rather heroically. I was also interested in a lot of the trailers that should after the movie and a few before the movie of actual DC comic movies that are on are trying to be on the same scale as the Marvel camp. Sadly I don't think it's going to happen. There's some movies coming out in September and October I believe that your Batman and Superman. Both of these guys have had movies done and actually been pretty good knowledge think about it as good as the Marvel comics but not in the same way and not with the longevity that some of the franchises have developed over the years. Whereas Batman and Superman have been true character studies they've been more like real movies as opposed to what's been shown in the Marvel universe. I mean they tried to do that with Spiderman and Ironman and they pretty much pulled it off but there is no law special-effects and some good writing. I'll be interested to see what DC's able to pull off in the next couple years. I hope I'm given the opportunity to see these.

It was hot today a lot warmer than I anticipated. I actually had quite a bit of accumulated points on my movie card which allowed me to get a drink and popcorn, seemingly for free, even with the hydration from the soda I still felt anew the hydrate. I said outside once I got home and read my book trying to finish it today if possible. Even though I sit in the shade I think I got overheated luckily I have popsicles to get me through till tomorrow.…

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