Saturday, August 13, 2022

Fish Stink

It was not intentional but there's a fast food joint right across the street from my apartment complex called the Arctic Circle. You know hamburgers milkshakes french fries the diet of the American dream but is not so American dream anymore. The whole concept of fast food was to develop great, deep fat fried, American food at a cheap cost and quick service with things they are changing. Sometimes I just want something deep-fried and many times I have tater tots just one of my main go to foods but I also like onion rings and on the protein side shrimp as well as I guess my most favorite would be Alaskan halibut. I would tell my 1st experience with Alaskan halibut which is way way back around 1968 or 69 when they offered such food at Hawkins take-home restaurant in Boise Idaho. It was the 1st fish I've ever eaten it didn't taste like fish and it was monumental. I really thought about running next door to the said Arctic circle or A C in getting that order of shrimp. I noticed on the window yesterday when I picked up a courtesycone that the Arctic Circle supplier was out of helmet and a management does not know when they will get more how about. This afternoon as I was watching that I afternoon news is thinking about dinner I thought to myself why not zoom across the street pickups of fried shrimp come back and enjoy. I was flabbergasted when I went online and realized the shrimp dinner I wanted was almost $10! Now, I could actually afford that had I wanted to just does not seem right. This got me thinking I've got tater tots frozen, who got a whole box of shrimp from somewhere in South America, butterfly shrimp that I've had for at least a year most likely two. I bought the shrimp more than a year ago on Friday or Saturday night thinking that it would be great to have. I came home and threw it in the freezer and there's been ever since. I didn't really check when I purchased the scavengers that not only were they raw and butterfly but they were in the Shell as well. But I thought today would be a great day to file my cooking up and maybe with some of my own frozen tater tots have a great Saturday night shrimp feast. When I finally freed the box from the back back of my freezer I was astounded at the amount of freezer burn on already frozen shrimpers but I decided I was going to do this event! Was even been to do it on my toaster oven that says a can reach 500° so 425° should be easy. About the wire rack out heated up the toaster oven or tried to. I pulled off about 6 or 8 shrimp put them on the rack pushed him into the toaster oven for 15 minutes. I was immediately put off by how fishy that shrimp smelled. I hoped against hope the older would cook out. I was wrong and the 15 minutes turned into a half an hour and still it didn't feel like the shrimp were done at that point I was totally off the shrimp dinner for my Saturday night delight. I ended up removing the shrimp off the cooking rack of the toaster oven and thrown them in with the frozen shrimp and then took the whole shooting match out and tossed it in the dumpster. Fortunate for me earlier last week I purchased some beef taquitos and that took out about 6 of those put them on the rack and had a pretty good dinner. The smell of the fish/shrimp still lingers through the apartment hopefully will be gone by morning. I try not to think about more money have wasted on the butterfly shrimp instead ponder on the space are freed up in the freezer for my next victim…okay

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