Monday, August 15, 2022

OLE Frozen Burritos


I've been single again for over 5 years now and already I'm forgetting what it was like to be married particularly the little things that you don't think about until you reminded of them one way or the other. I'm forcing myself to socialize more because was a budget commercials right now also are pushing socialization and seniors how important it is for them and their mental health. I don't know if I'd necessarily believe that but the same time I don't having to dispute that now do find it easier to be isolate them to be social. So I continue to hang out with “the smoker's group” where we visit in the parking lot and basically socialize. What I am reminded of however is how these partnerships of a husband and wife really make a difference in dinner. Often during the afternoon visit (smoke break) they usually end with the women going up to make dinner for their man. It seems a little odd but I guess not. I'm always surprised at the amount of effort these guys go through cooking needs meals. They prepare a lot of casseroles and I can certainly appreciate that as well as some of the husbands, who I never see, spend their day watching “the food channel” and actually pulling off recipes which their wives then will try to produce. I don't really interfere very much by suggesting there significant others help about a lot more than just recommend what they want for dinner but it reminds me of when Dianne and I were hanging out in our married little house and we often made dinner together. It was just easier to do making dinner for 2 peoples instead of one. Dianne used to produce these great salads which are very complicated and very filling and don't think I appreciated them as much as I do now. Similar with a lot of other meals. The never other points in time where we just either set out for pizza are run up and got something from the fast food joints on State Street. I kind of miss that. Rarely will I go through a whole production to make dinner for myself, just me unless I am feeling really good and really rested . I actually put together a real frozen Mexican dinner. I found I had a tamale, frozen burrito and taquitos. All frozen resting in the freezer section of my freezer fridge raider. I chose 3 the beef taquitos, one frozen burrito one frozen tamale (beef). Heated them to just fine out stage where I cut up the tamale and bite-size bits, unwrapped the defrosted tamale and then covered everything with shredded mixi cheese. And then looked for another 5 minutes to the cheese wwas bubbly and very aromatic. I then opened up a bottle of salsa that I'd gotten the number of months ago and pre-will covered a lot of the boiling dinner and I ate the whole thing I can't believe it! A kind it was planning on leaving half for tomorrow but I enjoyed the flavors so much. I wasn't quite like a meal from our favorite Mexican restaurant or even the one down the road but it did make me feel like, for just a little while, I was at home again…

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