Thursday, August 11, 2022



I almost went across the street today at the last moment canceled the trip just because I could wait till tomorrow. I need to replenish a few things in my closet and get some butter for toast and corn on the cob and such but they don't need to be done today but I'd like to have them for the weekend. We're in a monsoon storm cycle right now which means nice if not hot warnings followed by fairly interesting evening storms. Guess what I'm saying perfect weather to sit out and watch the storms build.

I don't know if I've mentioned that by going through this weird phase right now where I'm kind of socially isolating myself for whatever reason. I just find it easier to be by myself, read, do a couple of video games on my cell phone then interact with human beings or their beasts. Interesting over the past couple months with the deaths of a couple of the residents and the inflow of new folks I would say the mean age of the properties as significantly lowered which means there are people for me to interact with better closer to my own age and understand where I've come from age wise. Not to be judgmental and to give this group of folks of name but they are users of tobacco products; the “Smokers” because that's what they do set out in the parking area and smoke. Not all are smokers but all are relatively close in age and significantly younger than a lot of other folks at this facility. And most of them have dogs. I don't hate dogs I don't necessarily like dogs as a general species and there's a few individual folks within that biological group of really liked and enjoyed. But they have been few and far between. The Smokers have these little rat dogs and of course they all have biological needs which brings the group out on a fairly regular basis to have the dog's needs taken care of and everyone then sits around the yammer's. I have to admit I have become one of the yammer's. I don't know why particularly because at 1st I really didn't have a lot to do with these folks except for this seemed a little younger and age and seemed better to understand some of the things that I brought up. In a building like ours smokers are pariahs to some degree it makes sense they would band together. I mean I used to smoke a certainly know what the type of addiction is like and how nice it is to feed that addiction. It's also a great social media item forgetting like folks to visit with each other. There is so much easier in the old days when one could sit at a restaurant are anywhere and smoke a cigarette and have a cup of coffee with somebody.

I guess I should feel honored that this group has let me join the ranks whatever that means. Since I don't smoke and I don't have a rat dog and most those dogs are smart enough to stay away from me. They know dogs are sensitive they can read other people's feelings. I mean these people have established times to meet 3 are for us in the afternoon again at 7 PM and 10 at 10 PM which I guess there doing the dog business. Who knows perhaps the dogs are just a way to have some socialization for everyone…

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