Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday Night Burgers


I woke to an overcast and somewhat rainy morning with definite feelings of autumn in the air. Oddly however I had a great night sleep get at least 6 hours of sleep, good sleep better sleep than I usually get. Well, with all the signs I figured I'd better cook to day. I had a pound of hamburger thawed from yesterday I was going to use for gravy burgers which became circumvented when Ellen and I ordered pizza from Pizza Hut last night. I want to make sure that the burgers for the last thing I really did today so I did start the cooking process until around 4:30 PM. Even though I just finished the last slice of pizza that Ellen sent home with me midafternoon I figured even if I did not eat the gravy burgers tonight I would have them for tomorrow and the beginning of next week so I would be done with cooking for this week basically. I might throw in here that I was up processing the green peppers and the onions yesterday when I started the project so those are all done it was just a matter them of breaking up the pieces of bread and then mixing everything together and cooking.

The big frying pan was washed and ready to go this was fortunate. I combine the ingredients of the burgers which went a lot better and quicker than I anticipated and a lot less messy. I actually used the new/old stainless steel container with handles I've had for some time but never used effectively as a mixing bowl which it really works well for my plan to utilize it again. I blocked this time for cooking since it was during the Saturday afternoon news block of national then local news. Something I can listen to while I process the burgers. Soon I had them in the frying pan beginning to sizzle. One of the recipes I downloaded/looked at the Internet indicated to basically just sear the meat products so that the outsides are cooked and then allow the remaining meat product to cook in the gravy once you have that established. For once Mexican experiences everything seemed a come together the ingredients were at hand and easily accessed, well kind of easily accessed, but I got a can of mushroom soup from one of the top shelves of the pantry with the help of my rising chair and then I lowered everything down and out of the soup to the grease left over from cooking the hamburgers (I had removed the hamburgers on to a paper plate and added the soup/condensed into the grease “sizzle sizzle” and then added a can of milk surprisingly this worked really well to make a fine white gravy with mushrooms. I gently dumped the burgers back into the mix and then with the whole concoction finish cooking sacrificing one paddy to be broken up and be the sacrificial taste test for the rest of the meal.

If I were very ambitious I would actually put together a meal for tomorrow something green plus something starchy (if I were to use anything I would whip up the envelope of fake potatoes I love those) and then steam some broccoli if any the broccoli spears that I've had in my refrigerator for a couple weeks are still edible. That's what I would do but I doubt that I will do that instead I will coax the burgers in the sauce into a plastic container to put into the refrigerator to keep over the rest of the weekend in the beginning of next week. I'm just pleased with myself to not let a pound hamburger go bad and to put together something that I will totally enjoy eating by myself over an extended period of time. Sometimes it's as good as it gets…

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