Saturday, March 10, 2018

Come Saturday Morning

Click to hear my favorite morning song

Don't you just love Saturday mornings? I especially like early Saturday mornings even those mornings I've slept until seven but that's okay for me I have nothing else to do, no commitments to keep after all it is Saturday morning. It's almost spring and the morning was tantalizing. I quickly got dressed, shaved, microwaved something lurking in the back  the refrigerator. I was torn, I really needed to stay home and do chores. I have clothes which still need folding/hanging from this week's wash, I must install zipper pulls onI the new/old pants I purchased from DI Wednesday. Then there's taxes – – the big stressor my life right now – – I don't know how to do them. I did open up an account of some sort and some sort of taxpayer software on the Internet but I just have too many questions. I am committing myself to next week to get these questions answered and my taxes done. But today however is too beautiful and I took off across the street to Hidden Peaks, my very own neighborhood coffee shop.

I'm really trying to become a Hidden Peaks person. I want to become one of the folks that sit around and “jaw” with everybody else. This coffee shop really has that Cheers flavor, everybody knows your name. I want to be one of those people as of yet though I am not. I've come in enough that the owner and staff nod and smile at me when I enter.  In fact, staff make a special effort to run out and open the doors for me. In all actuality they probably are just trying to save their front door for me putting the foot pedals of my power chair through the glass as I push the door open. In fact, I'm still invisible to most people at the shop. Case in point some Asian guy wandered through passing out flyers for a Shen Yun, the Chinese dance company coming soon to Salt Lake. This guy put a brochure either on the table or in the hands of everyone in the coffee shop even a couple of little kids but walked right past me. Unbelievable. So I need to make an effort to spend more Saturday mornings , at least at this joint.

 I sit at my table, sometimes I have my sketchbook with me and I make sketching movements like I know what I'm doing. Other times I mess with my cell phone and sneakily take images of what is going on in the coffee shop. Most of the time, I just sit there drink my coffee and listen to the conversations going on at the tables around me. I envy these guys and their coffee shop relationships. I play head games with myself assigning names and historical sketches to some of the characters that I'm getting to visually know. Many times when the group finishes their coffee and Saturday morning conversation some of the ladies, I know who are close to my age, smile at me and I know they want either pat me on the shoulder or on the head as they pass. They are so pleased I got myself up and out this morning. The guys just sort of wink at me sometimes or nod their head like in the Westerns. If they were wearing cowboy hats the would touch their fingers to the brim like the Duke as they walked past. They talk about having to go to Home Depot, “wrestling with the yard” or take the daughter out to look at possible prom dresses. These people all have Saturday things to do. Saturday morning s at Hidden Peaks is their lull before the storm of Saturday activity. I get a refill on my coffee and balance said copy on my man bag resting on my lap and pushed through the glass doors before someone can come over and open the doors for me.

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