Friday, March 23, 2018

To Grow or Not To Grow

I'm sitting in the turbulence of spring here at the apartments. I like my days to be one way or the other, either dark and gloomy with lots of rain possible thunder and lightning allowing me to stay inside and feel good about being inside. Maybe do some drawing, reading, movie watching maybe even baking or even washing a load of clothes. My other option is to have days that are storm free, warm with lots of sunshine but today we're in the turbulence. I am getting both. Of

I noted when preparing my morning coffee that I am out of coffee. I had to make the decision: I'm either going across the street down the block to the Fresh Market and buying can of coffee which I really hate to do on one level but I'm always glad I did it on another or I can go out my backdoor cross the street and hit my local coffee shop and purchase a copy to keep me going for another week. Five bucks and some change gets me a half a pound of local coffee. A pound would cost me $10 and change and I just cannot justify that today. When I poked my head out the door to test the weather I was surprised how nice the day was regardless of the black menacing clouds. The temperature was warm and as I slipped across the street I noticed two things: the apartments garden spaces bare and needing some love and the little plant nursery across the street was waking. Buck, the son of the lady who owns the nursery, had spruced up the place and had things planted and growing around the nursery. Last spring I had not noticed the little nursery and it was only when I was contemplating plans for my garden box that I got to know the place but that was quite a bit later in the spring.

I'm a little unsure whether or not I'm going to participate in having a garden this year. Last year I think I was trying to prove myself to the other folks at the complex and more importantly to myself. I wanted to make sure I can grow a garden where ever I landed and I could and now I don't need to do that. Not that it was a lot of work last year. Once I got the garden in all I have to do is worry after I got the starts planted. The little garden space is irrigated once in the morning and once in the evening that once the reading is done the ways to grow back. I just had to watch my little garden grow. This was my first experience in a community garden and I am not sure how I feel about community gardens particularly after coaxing and talking to my little tomatoes all summer and then have someone steal the fruit at the end. I just don't know if I want to deal with that again. I can certainly let someone else at the apartments enjoy the experience of growing this next year. Still I have to admit I get a little excited about the idea of spring and things growing but maybe this year I'll just watch the plants at the nursery grow.

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