Friday, June 29, 2018


My van haunts me and actually I don't know if haunt is the right word perhaps I should use the word mock. Either way van sits out in the parking area challenging me. It's legal and is ready to go I just don't have a way to go anywhere with it on myself. I still am very interested in the vehicle am a little concerned. The vehicle has not been started since the reunion a couple weeks ago. I'm really afraid that the Vehicle needs to be started soon or the battery well completely discharge and be unusable until I can get a jump on whatever. I've been kind of hoping Mark Anthony or someone else might stop by and I get them into cranking the beast over.

Today I ran over to the cousins and drop off a beverage container you left in my vehicle when he last worked on it. I have to pass my van each time I go out to the bus stop and I feel the van mocking me. I really want to start the motor charge the battery. But I've been intimidated to the point that I think that the battery is already dead. Finally this morning I went out to the bus stop I realized that got my cell phone and went back to the apartment and on my return took a deep breath rolled over and toggled switch which opens the side doors to the wheelchair lift. They worked! Not only did they work with the perky there is a lot of juice left in the battery it felt like.

On my return from the cousins I decided I'm going to see if I can start the van myself. Of course this will entail be accessing the van and then transferring to the drivers seat and turning the vehicle on. I have not transferred from my power chair to the seat of the van since before my neurosurgery's. I don't know, I don't know if I can do all this stuff. I opened the doors to the van brought down the lift. I rolled onto the platform and lifted myself up to the van floor level. I powered the driver's seat back, I raised the seat and I lowered the seat and I turned the seat to face me. I noted with concern that even with the drivers seat raised to the limit It was only about equal to the power chair seat. The transfer into the seat would be easy that's just gravity but going back to the power chair that would be the challenge. I did not feel comfortable doing this maneuver by myself. (I don't know I'm really ready for this). I'm telling myself I'm going to hold off on doing the transfer until I can get someone to spot me with this process. Excuse excuse excuse!

I have to get my drivers seat safety belt working the way it's supposed to. If I really did try to get my drivers license I would have to take state drivers test. I know having a working safety belt and being able to use the safety belt independently is one of the first things they check with a disabled driver. I need to work on my transfers to make sure that I can install confidence in who tests me. I really wanted to transfer and put the key in the ignition and crank the beast over and charge the battery today just be sure the vehicle's ready, if and when I need to use it.

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