Sunday, June 03, 2018

Sunday Night Thoughts

I cannot say that today was a washout. I wrote three letters, processed the washed clothes on to hangers and folded the rest and put those away. I cleaned up the kitchen a little and fried a ribeye steak and nuked a potato and wish my son a happy birthday. So, I got something accomplished but it just doesn't feel like much. Temperature wise, the day was beautiful. I even watched the partial movie if you count Space Balls a movie. I did not finish the “movie” however the piece did help me fold and hang clohed by playing in the background. I thought about going somewhere but I just did not feel confident enough to want to get too far from my bathroom. Like a dummy today I dug out a container of prunes I've had sense 2012 or that's when the “use by date” was dated. The prunes were hard little suckers which I actually ended up sucking on four to reconstitute them and now I am beginning to feel a bit crampy and I'm hoping I can just make it through the night until my home health person arrives around 7:15 AM.

My friend Sherry called to ask how a project that she and I were involved in was going. I did not have anything to tell her and was glad that she called because she reminded me of a meeting have on Tuesday that I had completely forgotten. I think I forgot because the person hosting the meeting insisted we hold the meeting at her home as opposed to the Housing Authority basement where we usually have such meetings. I'm a little intimidated to find a new place to go on the bus route/line. From what she says a major bus line runs a block or two from her home. Finding private residences always intimidates me. Sherry and I am becoming a little concerned because the event which is scheduled at the end of July has not really congealed. I'm sure the event will come together at scheduled but I just don't know how. I am anticipating finding this residence in attending this meeting but I just don't know what I will be able to contribute. I am trying to be a team player but I seem to be facing difficulties.

The evening feels like summer, finally. There's all kinds of noises coming from the adolescents and children over at the skate park across the road from my apartment. I like the sounds of summer from the park. Earlier today there was quite a cacophony As children played the little boys yelled little girls screamed and fire engines and other sirens sounded ,seemingly all afternoon in the heat of new summer days. I smell wood burning somewhere tonight. It's not wildfire or brushfire it's a wood fire of some sort. I enjoyed my food bank ribeye eating half and half of my potato which I'll leave for tomorrow. The darkness is moved in surrounding the complex and my little apartment. The voices and sounds from the skateboard park muted seemingly from the darkness, I don't understand. Picnic noises still come from the park as families stretch their weekends to the limits having to return to the mundane and unforgiving board of the work week to count the endless seconds until the next weekend.

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