Monday, October 15, 2018


Image of me enjoying my new headset
click for video

All in all I am not doing too bad with trying to keep my house in order. Granted, I could be doing a better job, but I am able to keep the chaos at bay. Of course, I don't do this by myself as much as I'd like to think that I could and is much as I tell myself I could but I think I'm past that point in my life. The last time I tried to vacuum. I broke the vacuum cleaner and my brother had to come over and fix the machine by putting another built on the roller. I haven't really tried sense the repair. Carl did such a good job vacuuming. I don't think I've had to, but there are a few things that need to be vacuumed up so soon I will fire up the machine and be careful what I rollover. In that same token, when I wash my clothes every week I hang them up within 24 hours of when I've washed them. It's a small thing, but it helps keep the chaos down.

In the kitchen. I don't think it's necessarily a question of chaos as much as it is surface cleaning. I have limited shelf space, which causes me to put a lot of stuff on what shelving/counters. I do have. It's easy to let this clustering, get out of control and I have to force myself usually in the morning right after rising to try to clean off counterspace, and even wash down the front of the oven/range. Again, something I am having difficulty with – – and I really shouldn't. There's no reason why I cannot wash the floors and especially the kitchen on a regular basis. I have actually been able to mop up a few spells that I've made from the refrigerator to the countertop. Spells that I thought would be wise to take care of quickly like vinegar from the pickled peppers are milk that I've spilled are even blood from meat that is dripped from thawed out prizes from the food bank. The problem is I have not done a good job mopping the floor to the kitchen and I need to get on the job in the bathroom as well.

Sometime in the afternoon yesterday – Sunday – I got a posting from Mark Anthony that if it was okay. He would drop by. Later in the afternoon, which of course is fine with me. Mark has been doing this the last couple weeks. We visit, and while visiting Mark is busy picking things up off the carpet, sweeping the kitchen and reaching things for me that I have not been to reach. Yesterday, he swept the kitchen and actually mopped it. I mean really mopped up with Pine-Sol and everything. I never use Pine-Sol. I'm lucky just to get the mopped wet and on the floor to clean up whatever mess has happened. Mark also looks after my IT needs. It's great that he works information technology during the week. He really knows what he's doing. A couple of months ago I purchased a headset to use with my new computer. Actually, the headset was the backup. Another had said that I had that wasn't working very well with my speech to text, writing software. I realized one evening that there is no place for me to hook new headset into said to have plug-ins and I could not find the receptors on the new CPU. I pretty much wrote off the headset. Mark happened to come across the headset yesterday when Mark was cleaning up my desk area. It wasn't long until market found the correct ports for the headset to plug-in and now I'm dictating better than I ever have before.

I still need to keep searching for someone to replace Cindy my last housekeeper. It's hard to do that when with a little help from Mark Anthony, or whoever is around. I can maintain myself fairly well as well as the apartment. I don't want to get too comfortable with Mark Anthony stopping by once a week picking up and mopping, but I'll certainly enjoy. As long as I can.

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