Sunday, October 14, 2018


I washed clothes. Yesterday morning as I do, usually every Saturday morning as early as I can. I tried to keep my dirty clothes in the dirty clothes hamper or in my case, basket badly damaged basket, but that's another blog. One piece of clothing went rogue and less nestled on my backup chair where I had tossed the shirt the night before. I noted as I snatched the long-

sleeved T on the floor with one of my hooks and deposited the offending garment in the basket that may be I should hold off. Maybe, I thought, it was time to throw this piece away. I washed the shirt anyway. My first thought about not washing the shirt was that the shirt is really turning into a rag and if I wash the shirt I would have to dry the shirt and I've noticed lately that it's taking more than the one $.75 cycle to dry my clothes. I know babbling about the cost of a dry cycle makes me sound cheap but it's true, I hate the fact that I cannot purchase smaller segments of time. I have to buy $.75 of time and nothing else, just get my wash entirely dry. The $.75 is one thing but having to wait another 45 minutes to dry is quite another. I'm wandering from my topic sorry. The point of trying to make is, I need to just throw some of my clothes away and get on with living.

This morning as I was hanging yesterday's clothes, I came across the purple T-shirt and a black long-sleeved T but I think by daughter, Bridget gave me a couple Christmases past. I love both shirts, way beyond sense. However, I must confess last couple times I've worn the shirts in public. I felt a bit conscious of how I look. I really am becoming a “rag man”. I look like one of those homeless guys you see downtown who have nothing better to wear the what they are wearing. I love the shirts because they are long and tall's. They go all the way down in the back. I never have to worry about flesh showing. Because the shirts are long-sleeved, I can push them up over my elbows many times. Sadly, even this no longer hides the tattered ends of my sleeves. The purple shirt. I could actually use for rags around the apartment and possibly the black shirt too. Regardless, I need to get them out of my clothing cycle and out of the wash cycle. I hate letting the shirts go. I've had them for over five years I'll bet you and I've always felt warm and righteously covered. I don't even know if I can find a heavy cloth of which these shirts are made. This heavy cotton cloth is truly fabric made from another time. I'm just terrified that like the commercial for “what's in your wallet.” The guy throws is wallet into the bay that as soon as I cut up or throw the shirts away. I'll say to myself, “… Going to regret that.”

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