Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturdays Miracle

Me and my buddy Stephen my upstairs Savior!

I woke up somewhere around 5 AM this morning. I had really hoped to sleep in later even though I knew that my cleaning person was coming today. I pretty much laid there and tell till 6 AM when I figured I would get up and start the day. I slept really well all things considered perhaps it was the rain falling outside has not rain for some time here in the area and finally were getting a little moisture. Low-pressure system came in with lots of wind and lots of rain being blown against my window sounded reassuring. I can to slept better during the night but I was okay. It's not that I was excited but Annette did put a new sheet protector on my mattress yesterday morning and I figured getting out of bed be a pleasure. I have found these plastic sheet protectors slide really well off the mattress allowing me to plop down into the chair. I still took extra careful measures to make sure the bed was lined up all right sticks were I can get out if I need them and that turned the bed back to make it easy to make and went for it. Cake! I was in the chair a little off-center but that's okay I righted myself rolled in and started the coffee I decided to start addressing sequence. For the new readers, I dressed myself in the power chair which allows me to tell myself back and spasm in an arc which allows me to drag the clothes over my butt and around my waist. With very little effort I got my shorts on the partially pulled up then rearranged my chair so I could lean back and finish the process the time was about 7:30 AM I leaned my chair back…

When I had my chair repaired a week or so ago I made sure that they fixed the locking mechanism on the right-hand side which locks the arm onto the frame of the chair. When I got the chair back the latch worked perfectly. That is not the issue. When I shave I often lift the right-hand side of my chair which is often the called the “drive” side or the “controller” side. This side of the chair is significantly heavier than the other side. I did that this morning I disengaged arm of the chair and set it down rolled under the sink and shaved. When I was finished I backed out and reset, or I saw I had reset the arm of the chair. Often the small piece that slides into a receiver on the base of the chair sometimes gets bent and it feels like the piece inside its “home” but is not. That's what happened this morning. As I tilted back in my chair the arm slid off in the controller, which operates the chair, became totally out of my reach. Had not paid much attention to her I was at when I did this process and suddenly realized I had no access to my sticks or my cell phone. I was not upside down by any means but as tilted back in a pretty radical angle. I was not too concerned because worst-case scenario I did nothing I was hoping my staff would be there by 8:30 AM. Still however I tried to fix the situation. It seemed like everything I tried to do every MacGyver move I tried was foiled. Fortunately, I had plugged in my tablet on the side of the close hamper next to my chair and with major effort I was able to secure the tablet. When I did secure the tablet I pulled the charger out of the wall of course and there is only 12% charge. I texted my older home health person who is now a nurse at the hospital which is a no go. I did leave a message with DD but I was not sure she was up. I was hoping DeeDee could call my neighbor across the hall to have her come over and assist. Then of course the only thing left was I started screaming/shouting which I thought was useless. Long story short my neighbor Steve, who lives upstairs, who has never heard my screen before (and I've screamed a lot over the three years I've lived here) heard me and actually came down. It was now past 9:00 AM. My home health person was over a half hour late and I had been able to contact her via the text so she knew I needed assistance still processing that issue. Stephen save me there was a high price because he is sure and I'm almost sure there is a miracle involved. Now I'm committed to resolving the situation so the probability of this happened again is low. I'm seeking some form of artificial technology like Siri are Google or Amazon offers. The first alert items does not seem to be an option. Either way I'm back in the race I'm thankful for neighbors who are willing to hear me one way or the other!

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