Sunday, May 31, 2020

With a Little Help from My Friend…

I was really surprised when I woke this morning I found it was the 31st day of May! I don't know why, possibly because that little ditty I sort of got memorized as a kid “30 days has September April May and November all the rest have 31…”. I totally believe that to the point where I cannot unbeliever just because it's not true. I thought for sure today was 1 June. Guess what? NOT! Because I was sure that yesterday was the last day of May 2020 I use this as an excuse to wander across the street and spends money. I didn't need anything really. What I did need was dollar bills, singles and a roll of quarters. Granted, I had washed clothes on Friday (day before yesterday) so I really didn't need quarters until end of the week now but it was a good excuse to get to the market. Oh by the way, I checked my mail before I went over to the market and guess what? My Renters Rebate(RR) check had arrived! I barely even remember applying for this little financial morsel. I don't really know why but because of bills and obligations that we turn in months or year we get what is called the RR. I don't argue with it I just accept it and cash the check. This year 160 simoleons , but that's a blog for another day. The point was/is I'm in the market, and of course I've forgotten my reacher stick/hook and very item I need is totally out of my reach. Actually if I really stretch my fingertips touched the item but of course I just pushed the item further back on the shelf. I have learned that I can get my chair back, and where this does not give me any added height by the chair leaning back I get a few more centimeters of reach and many times I can get something) but not this time. I must look pathetic with by chair tilted back and my poor little quad hand reaching for an item obviously out of reach. That was when I hear a gravelly older voice asking if I needed some help. My back of course it to the person is I'm leaned back in my chair reaching up and I see this senior hand reach up and place the item in my hand. I take my item and begin the cycle in my chair back to its upright position, this always takes a few seconds but as soon as I do, I spin around wanting to thank the person who gave me the assist. As I spun around there was nobody there. I was in the middle of the aisle even if the person had been young able-bodied I was still seems somebody but there was nobody there! I then rolled to the end of the aisle to see if I can spot somebody but again no one is around. When I heard the voice asking if I need a hand, I thought I knew that voice. But was not sure who it was. I try not to think about who I thought it sounded like but it too bizarre I would have to say that voice belong to next-door neighbor Al, who's been dead for almost 6 years! It's still a mystery am not trying to overthink the situation sometimes you just have to go with the easiest explanation even if it's the hardest to accept. I need help that minute, at that place and who better to help me that my next-door neighbor Albert regardless of how far he had to come to help me out…

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