Friday, August 21, 2020

A Mess Of Controllers And A Little Sunshine


I'm always astounded and shocked when suddenly parched me that they actually read my blog. Anyway, my buddy Lori contacted me this morning by text indicated that she had read yesterdays blog on transportation and put forward the idea why not develop some sort of a transportation group. Some sort of a situation where a group of individuals own the vehicle and all can use said vehicle when they need. And I understand writing such a thing is just a whole lot different than practicing but still I think it's a great idea how optional are probable something like this is is a hold of the question. I told Lori one think about the idea and balance the concept off a few people.. I'm sure there's a name for this kind of an arrangement I just haven't been able to put my finger on it yet. So truly the cost of say one van owned by 3 to 5 people got a be cheaper than owning the vehicle yourself and doing all the maintenance and fiscal requirements for such ownership. This is one of those deals where there's going to be issues (there's always issues) but possibly they just might work particularly in the area of people with disabilities and most specifically power chair users. First and foremost I would use such an arrangement I believe only sporadically on special events that I cannot negotiate by public transit for the reason or another. I think the occasional funeral and possible family function would be what I would be most interested.

The image I have used for today's posting is a mess of power chair controllers I went through over at the Utah Assistive Technology Programs service area. I don't know why but when I first saw this mess of controllers I thought specifically of a mess of fish. This was not the only mess of controllers that I witnessed. There's three or four other clusters just as large. But this mess was the ones I needed that had the capability of operating my chair just like the controller that I broke. I agree with the prevailing thought of that organization and that they have to downsize or get rid of some of this extra technology to have hanging around their agency like fruit. I hope they do downsize but I also hope they keep a couple of the controllers that will meet my need if and when I will need them.

It seems like the whole West Coast is on fire and the wind is blowing all the smoke over Utah. Anybody who has encountered respiratory issues suffer at this point in time. Luckily, I don't have such a problem but I could still sense the difficulty my respiratory systems experiencing. I suppose by mask helps a little bit but I seriously doubt much. The only upside, if there is such a thing, of the fires is that sunsets are becoming spectacular. I've got a poor instrument to record such geographical geological renderings but they do look interesting. Put one or two in that I took last night I think I might try to get some more tonight as well, the sunsets are much too beautiful to waste…

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