Thursday, August 27, 2020

Coffee Social Stress

 (Sorry, I should've gotten an image but sadly I did not)

I hate power struggles. It would be nice in life if we could find a place where one didn't have to have struggles for control but as is usual seems to be a struggle going on at the Thursday morning coffee group. I'm trying to stay away from getting involved but it's hard to stay out of the controllers influence sometimes. It's just amazing how small a group can be for power struggle to ensue.

I believe a couple days ago I wrote a little bit about last week at the coffee group were we were ushered back into the common room, where the week before we had, for the first time, had the coffee group out on the patio in the coolness of the early morning hour. We actually started a half hour earlier at nine rather than 9:30 AM and there is much greater participation than we usually had. Management somewhere in the gym in my quest to stay out of this firefight I haven't really checked it out nor do I want to. Made the decision to go back into the building for the coffee social under the explanation of social distancing even though it seems were more at risk socially inside that were outside. Today's group was pretty substantial I have to admit. They had added another table so that the concept of social distancing could be enforced.

I had a weird feeling about today's group partially due to the addition of another table and the controller, who I deem is the controller, of the change. This is a relatively new member of the group coming into our apartment complex oh 15 months or so ago and who in my estimation is consistently worked to become a major controller of the population. She's a Britt, and that's not a problem but she has that British droll everything, she quickly took over the movie night – – which is okay by me because I never went in the really didn't have any consistent offerings that were worth watching – – and began screening English/British comedy/soap operas. Like I said no problem to me and amazingly most of the residents enjoy the offerings. Next, she instigated a monthly dinner which I attended a couple times but like many of her offerings it was very British with heavy food and boring entertainment I stopped attending and thank goodness the coronavirusstruck and the meals of ceased, of course. Today, what has said very gathering felt strange. It seemed a lot of the residents were restless for one reason or another a lot of it doing around the RNC which lines up today. I think about half the residents are Trumper's (though they would not admit it openly) the other half are obviously DNC and of course don't know anything about their party are their platform except for the hate Trump. The news of the hurricane, forest fires and prevailing belief that the apocalypse is nigh. It all sat very sourly on my stomach and I begin wondering how I can begin ditching this Thursday social event and not raise too many eyebrows…

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