Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I Made It


It's evening just a little past 6 PM and I'm sitting here patiently waiting for the deliveryman to drop off my repaired chair. As I've said many times I'm totally thankful to have a backup chair but I've got to spend some time and money on this backup chair of.because even though I could get around it was just barely. I'm pretty sure the battery shot in the chair I've had to spend all day close to one of my battery chargers fortunately I have three. Even though I charge the chair all night long I have barely enough power to go a 10th of a mile. This is like two or three trips from my bedroom to the kitchen and back. I suppose if we were not in the middle of Covid 19 I would be much more upset but I said so many times I really don't have anywhere to go anyway. I must admit however the apartment has taken a beating as far as how it looks. It seems order in the apartment is the least of my priorities.

This morning in a fit of productivity I actually called my brother, Carl about staying on the phone while I attempted to transfer from my bed in the chair. I really am not comfortable with my regular ADLs in this chair. Luckily, the transfer went off without incident. More than once with this chair I've had to struggle literally hours trying to pull myself back into the chair after a failed transfer. But I made it through the day soon my chair will be here. My immediate plan now is going to figure out a way to get this backup chair into somewhere they can do some examination for other issues it might have. Once again, I'm a little frustrated because if things go as we hope I will be able to get a brand-new chair in the next four or five months. At that time, I of course will turn the chair that is my main chair now into my backup chair and will get rid of this chair altogether. I don't know but maybe with a newer set of batteries this may not be a bad chair for like my neighbor who is post stroke. I have to admit the control box on this chairs little squarely but it still might be good for somebody who has some ambulatory capabilities and would use this chair just as an adjunct to their mobility. That would be the way to do it.

Hopefully my son continues to rehabilitate from his Covid 19 struggle. It's kind of difficult been so isolated but even if I was able-bodied I doubt I'll be able to do much more than I am now by sending daily inquiries as to the status. The probably driving them crazy I think they would be if my mother was calling all the time to get my status if I were ill. But I guess that's her parents do. This morning I had one of those revelatory moments when look at myself in my big mirror and just seeing how geriatric I appear which then totally reinforces the idea that I need to stay out of possible contact scenarios at all cost. I am exactly the target for coronavirus would love to shoot for…

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