Monday, August 24, 2020

Trader Joe's Has The Plums!


One of the items I scored this weekend at the food bank were plums. I know that sounds weird but I kind a like plums and I was pleased to get a bag of plums. I was kind of hoping they would be from somebody's Plumtree (yeah I know it came from Plumtree wherever came from) by Plumtree of somebody's I mean somebody who's tree in their backyard had plums which they brought to the food bank. But, these plums are from the fruit and vegetable department from Trader Joe's. The plums I got seems to be huge plums the size of apples! What really surprised me was I think at least the plums so I've got the plums seem green as in on right is obviously they're very dark in color of the plums should be. However, when you go to cut the plum or even bite you get a very hard fruit substance. The plums I remember Even those that were just nearly right were still kind of juicy if not playing mushy when you begin to them. These plums actually did have the texture of an Apple pretty weird. I'm glad I have the low of had one or two so far. What's interesting is that these plums still have the stickers on them from Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's seems to be a pretty large benefactor to the food bank. The really come across a lot of good produce as well as other items many even before “best use by date”.

I'm still hoping as the summer progresses and fruit trees begin to ripen that other points of bounty will be shared with those who could really use it. This week I also got caught on the called, many colored peppers and cucumbers and of course the ubiquitous zucchini and crookneck squash. There's no way I can use all this in a week but I'm enjoying the possibility of trying.…

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