Saturday, August 15, 2020



I really thought I was out of the woods. After all in my giant effort to be proactive when last week my controller burst apart and I got my brother over and is able to zip tie the controller together. I knew is going to be a pain in my butt but I called my wheelchair provider and wheelchair shop, scheduled to have my chair picked up then was without my chair for a whole day. (Writing this really makes you sound like a boob but still these are my feelings and I plan to own them). My controller look good and functional and I've been in the process of making plans to either get newer batteries are to deep charge the batteries in my backup chair so that they will once again hold a charge for the usable amount of time. Then this morning, I just returned from the laundry with my laundry and was heading over to the bed to begin folding close when something caught on my charger and before I knew it the controller for was ripped off the chair. Unlike before the controller stayed togetherThe controller was just hanging by the court making the chair difficult, at best, to drive. I had no other option but to call my brother again. And once again call came over with his tools and we/he was able to mount the controller back on its pedestal. He was able to use a combination of zip ties and wire. The way I see it now I just have to get by until Tuesday. Tuesday going up to what used to be U CAT now it's just Utah Assistive Technology Program. I spoke with the interim coordinator who seems to indicate I can do some pick and choosing of equipment they have in stock which is a lot of stuff. I'm hoping I can just get another controller identical to this one. The Quantum 6000 Z is a fairly ubiquitous chair and I'm hoping for an easy fix. I'm sensing that Intermountain health wheelchair shop is getting a little tired of me and trying to keep this chair functional until I get authorized for a new piece of equipment.

I was really kind of excited to start the day when I got up this morning. I wasn't going to do a lot the biggest thing being the head south to the Walmart to see about a new pair of shoes as well as my regular weekend shopping. I have been out of bananas for at least four days. I also want to get some other treats but I did not feel comfortable now, even with the great fix job that my brother did. I just felt I was being told to stay home not push myself further than I needed to. So, I did saddle up and head across the street to the local market getting some bananas, and other treats like tamales, lettuce for salads and sandwiches and more juice. I'm set I don't have to go out tomorrow and keep the day Sabbath holy within limits. I plan to put as little stress on this controller is possible to get me through the next couple of days.…

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