Sunday, August 09, 2020

Seasonal Preparations

 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Wikipedia

Sometimes I just cannot believe my actions. Actually it's probably most of the time but still there's theAction where you're doing something and you're looking at yourself like out of your body and wondering why is he doing that? Today was one of those days. First all the major Marvel universe person. I've really enjoyed all the Marvel movies pretty much from Ironman, Spiderman two Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG). In fact now I'm sort of immersed in GOTG. I think I mentioned I purchased both volumes 1 and two of Guardians the other day. Today in a moment Gweakness I purchased membership in Disney + the home base of most of the Disney franchise. This means I have access to everything from Wally To GOTG When I want to either download or stream the documents. I was visiting with somebody last night who basically alike to me that I can have the Disney Channel for $6.95 a month And as I pondered this I realized I could easily afford this piece of recreation. .So I did it. I think I have three subscriptions now for viewing options. And right now I think if I had to drop the first two and keep Disney +. I do feel a little bit on easy at having this much access and there's so much more need to be doing that's not screen related or at least entertainment screen related.

In the same vein today I'm actually spending time cleaning the place up a little bit since Annette my regular cleaning person has been on vacation with her family at Bear Lake. Thank goodness, she should be back tomorrow morning. But with cooking that I did yesterday in general living the kitchen was pretty much chaos this morning and so little bit by little bit today I've been trying to put some order to the chaos as well as spend some time cooking some of the protein I've rather thawed out Or of gotten through the food bank and I don't want any of the pieces to go bad. So Friday pieces us sirloin steak cut them that I want to use later on in the week for beef noodles and then I also made sloppy Joe's or sloppy Joe mix. I had a can of sloppy Joe mix kicking around I don't necessarily like what you get in the can but I did throw in some peppers and onions that I chopped and then is able to use some of the sloppy Joe seasoning I purchased at the throwaway basket couple weeks ago. Since this sloppy Joe mix essentially for myself this next week good thing I care about is the meat is safe from disease process and pathogens and fairly tasty.

Were basically through a third of the month now of August. I'm now sensing the mornings become on more and more dark as the hours of sunlight begin to short as you make it towards fall equinox. I'm okay with this I'm just again totally amazed at how quickly time seems to be flowing by. Soon the days of heat will be passed and will be considering once again the cold dark days of the year. But maybe they won't be so cold or dark this year with three streaming services and a well-stocked pantry…

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