Friday, August 14, 2020

Shoe Hopes


Back in June 2019, (yes that's right 2019, when I first did the search I thought I was in June of this year but no it was June of last year so obviously I've been putting off this task)I posted about the condition of my shoes, my most usable pair shoes. Actually have a couple other pairs but one of the pair I can't find the other shoe to end the other pair of shoes that I have access to look like Frankenstein shoes. I've been pushing the decision of getting another pair of shoes further back on my table to do things in this last week one of the straps that I used to fasten my shoes is just about deteriorated past the point of use therefore I am going to have to up my game start getting serious about finding another pair of shoes.

So of course I went to the Internet just to see what was available and I found this image of a pair shoes little less than 30 bucks. I figure that's worth a crap shoot I'm getting a pair shoes off the Internet. I still have a lot to figure out. I have fat feet that goes without saying how many E's that is is another adventure in science for me. The fat feet is just one of the problems the other problem is my weird toe, more specifically my little toe up my right foot has always wrote on top of the other Toe or is a like to put it the number 4 toe. If I do not get shoe large enough to accommodate the little toe are go through a lot of pain until the material stretches to the point my birth defect will stop fighting The confines of the shoe and get on with its dormant life. This task, for as small as it is, just seems overwhelming. I'm going to give it a shot though and see how far I can get this time. Remember Steve the guy talked about last night when he had on a set of shoes that had the kind of fasteners I use and I was somewhat surprised when I asked him where he was able to pick those up he said “Walmart” why didn't I think of that? Walmart has just about everything at a price that will starve a Third World manufacturer. Every time I shop at Walmart have to deal with my social conscience and sadly the fact that Walmart 1. Usually has the item that I'm looking for and 2. Has a price is better than anything else I could find and perhaps the most significant idea is that I can buy it immediately, I can have it right now and get it over with. I haven't done that yet, get on the bus and head over to Walmart down the street but I will tomorrow possibly Monday. My goal of course is to have the shoes by this fall. What I said, I really don't care what they look like my driving factor will be ease of putting the shoes on, comfort, price and to some degree social acceptance. This winter I still plan to wear shorts all winter long but I still have to wear shoes. However, maybe just maybe this year I'll start wearing socks…

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