Sunday, August 16, 2020

Enjoyed The Show


I like it hot, you know that dear reader but I guess even I am beginning to reach my limits. I don't know if that's an age thing are if it's just trying to be proactive more all I know is this next week is going to be a hot one. There is a heat dome building directly over Utah and surrounding states. The next few days the temperature is going to be much harder than usual. Traditionally we are the time of year when, sadly, the seller begins to wind down. In fact regardless of the heat dome of already noticed the mornings being cooler when I wake. We were entering that time a change the mornings are darker now significantly so maybe that has something to with the cooler temps I don't know.

But this is been a traditional late August tomorrow are probably would've taken in the movie just down the street. That is not been a possibility this summer with everything shut down. In fact, I'm semi-excited at the notion that my theaters will open this coming weekend. However, I don't think I'm going to take advantage at least not just yet. Social distancing, at these theaters seems never to have been a big problem. Even without or before the pandemic many times I would go to the movies and I would be the only person in the theater and other times it would be three or four even though their small theaters that's pretty adequate social distancing. Perhaps, this different on the weekends are the opening of a mega-blockbuster but just during the days I think I'm okay like I said I will probably hold back. I don't need to have this disease process. I doubt that I would survive my son, Mark Anthony, has a pretty severe case of the Covid 19 and it's really knocked him down. I don't think I would make it. I'll hold off I think maybe for a week or two.I'll let this heat trauma pass me by and then if I can talk myself into risk behavior maybe I'll take him a midday movie with popcorn and a diet drink.

I hate to sound all senior paranoid but we're the ones this virus is targeting. I have to consider how willing I am to significantly restrict my life. I mean I could sit in my little apartment and not do anything and just let myself age and age in place not enjoying life. Is this living? So the classic thinkers and disability of indicated that people with disabilities have a right to risk. In this case risk is more than just deal with bus and going downtown it's getting on a bus going downtown and sitting in a tube of other human beings which might be infectious. It only takes one. So I dodge the viral bullets this summer/fall season what's to say when one day I mistakenly not mask up or touching infected surface and nonthinking touch an orifice and then “boom and doom” I'm taking the ride, heading for my last Roundup. Maybe I'm just a statistic, part of the cog in the giant machine that has to function to sacrifice to get the enemy agents of the population. Maybe it's just my time. Maybe ready to take the risk, purchase the ticket, get a middle size diet something in popcorn and settled back in the soothing darkness of the theater all to myself and enjoy the show…

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