Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I do not know what happened last night. But I had one of the worst nights sleeping I have had in some time. I think I woke up around 2:15 AM and never really got back to sleep. Now that I think about it there was road construction going on all night long on Redwood Road. The kind of road construction that has large vehicles moving back-and-forth with backup alarms sounding off every time these trucks going reverse. I had almost forgotten about the road construction and the alarms.I may have dozed off and on but not very much. I don't know if I was worried that I would sleep in and miss getting out onto the bus and up to the University to meet Lori at 10 o'clock in the cafeteria. But I was feeling drugged out this morning as I got up and got ready.

I thought I'd given myself enough time to make the bus, to make the train to get up to the University Student union by 10 o'clock. Not only was I tired and filtering everything through tired eyes and foggy brain but it seemed like the universe itself was against me making this date. I admit I should've consulted UTA tracker to see when the next 47 would be coming by but did not. I saw as is coming down the sidewalk from the apartments 47 was in traffic at the stoplight. I didn't think I had a ghost chance of making it but the light was incredibly long. And I got to the sidewalk to the bus stop as the bus “turn off of Redwood Road on the 4700 S. going east. I knew I was not going to make it to be at the bus stop when the bus would pass the bus stop. I was hoping the driver would see me I even stopped and turned and tried to wave at the driver to let them know I was coming. I kind of think he saw me but he did look up just turn the bus and drove past the bus stop. Unbelievable. I could not be too mad, was too tired to be too mad, even if I were not tired however I should've been at the bus stop I should've known the bus was coming and planned my arrival on time. It would been nice had I connected with the driver that didn't happen so I waited 15 minutes. Next, I am at the train station. Even with having to wait 15 minutes I still had ample window of time to get up to the University by 10 o'clock. However the Redline came up I press the button to deploy the left and open the doors and the lift deployed at the doors didn't open. In honesty my chair may have been too close to the door and as the ramp deployed and hit my front wheel and retracted back into the train. I continued to press the button in hopes that the ramp would deploy again – – and often does. I have done this a number of times the ramp, deploys and door opens and I'm on the train but not today. I have to wait another 15 minutes so by that that time I lost a half hour.

I'm not sure which University train stop his best to get to the student union. I finally asked a number of young people riding the train with me (who I knew had to be students) which was the best stop and they told me. I got off the train and took off. I stopped a couple people on my way to get my bearings. I was running late I knew I was going to be late now. I messaged Lori to let her know I was going to be late. It was quite a trip from the train to the student union. I got there about eight minutes after the hour so wasn't too bad late wise that is. I got there zip through the cafeteria could not find Lori anywhere. I waited I waited in fact I waited till 11 o'clock and I finally called Lori to find out where she was at. She told me she was at the cafeteria sitting in the back. I did not see your own back and forth numerous times. Eventually it turned out she was sitting in the cafeteria at the college around the corner from my apartments. She was shocked as of the University but as I recall our conversation specifically when we made the date that she was to be on campus at the University of Utah. The conversation had revolved around her being on campus learning to negotiate her way around and I figured that was why we were meeting up there. It would been so much easier for me had I understood that the community college was where we were meeting. I don't know how I would've handled the eventhad I gotten enough sleep. I felt like a grump because of the lack of sleep and I'm sure came across as a grump. To make matters worse today is also Lori's birthday I guess I sort of messed everything up through the form. I don't know if I want to try this again at least not right now is not to I get some sleep.

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