Thursday, June 22, 2017

Pay Day!

What a great surprise when I called the other morning to find out that there is in fact a meeting David informed me there would be a meeting! I cannot believe how pleased that made me. We've had so few meetings the past the last two months or so do the end of the year financial issues that today was great to have a meeting and on top of that I got paid. A paycheck! A 100 and $20 paycheck!!. I guess it's not much and the money spends quickly but it's nice to be recognized.

If I were to go to my blog and do a search on “Assist, Inc.” I would get a bunch of dates where I used “Assist”. I would find so many references that I'd consider not finishing the post that I'm writing right now. But you know what I don't care if it's redundant because my Assist involvement seems to be pretty important to me right now. I don't know if my Assist involvement good or bad to share and I don't know if assist Inc. activity is good or bad to acknowledge. I wonder if my volunteer involvement is an example of weakness that I have to exemplify my need to be wanted. Just like this morning. I got a knock on my door it was Jimmy the resident advisor came visiting to see if I was okay and that was I going to my Thursday morning coffee social? Jimmy went on to say, “all the want to know you're okay and are you coming to social?”. Now I know this is authentic, these are comments that Jimmy would not make on his own volition. Somewhere enough old ladies ganged up On Jimmy and asked him to go down and see if I was okay. While this is totally embarrassing it is also totally endearing to me. I almost did not go down to the meeting today because I actually slept in. I never sleep in but I did today. But I was going to the meeting/social would not miss it if I did not have to. But the question of this paragraph was do I need social reinforcement? The answer is of course, of course I do after all I am human.

I did not go to my Assist meetings for the honorarium. In fact I had gone to the Assist meetings for years without getting an honorarium . Assst,Inc did not  have an honorarium for most of my Assist Citizen Advisory Board  involvement, I guess I got some sort of payment because I actually got paid to go to these meetings as part of my job description so on top of my regular salary I often got Comp Time. I really used the Comp Time when I wanted to extend a lunch date, or get off early on a three-day weekend or any weekend, I might dip in the might Comp account.

I love the honorarium checks because the check is symbolic , a reminder of time actually devoted to some ideas/project. It reminds me of when I used to have a job, go to work to be part of a greater system. A system I miss now like national holidays, 5 o'clock and payday.

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