Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wary Of The Flashpoint…

I kind of apologize for doing yet another blog regarding the recent DRAC action. I guess I'm still trying to get my head around the whole thing in particular some events that happened during the action. Yesterday we had the postmortem for the action. Perhaps I am over dramatizing the whole meeting but we talked about the action only did write what we did wrong and perhaps will we could've done better in what were going to do next time and yes, there will be a next time. I was late getting to the event almost 45 minutes late primarily because I was on public transit. I thought I had left early enough to get my power chair worked on but that didn't happen in the dallying of the shop person cost me significant amount of time.

I briefly talked about my concerns about stopping traffic, literally stopping traffic. That is what we did on Tuesday. With a 20 year foot-long banner we walked and rolled across State Street when the light turned red for passengers to cross. The only problem is we did not return to the side of the street when the light turned green. Space this was the takeover one of the major events of the action.. It was Is scary when cars realized we were not moving. We got a number of honks, it was difficult to ascertain whether they were honking and support are against our movement. The things that bothered me more where those who honked and put their vehicles into gear and started pressing forward against the line. If nothing else this is quite a startling feeling. A number of our group broke formation when this happened and did not get out of the way they circled the car so the car could not move at all. A number of the participants also symbolically attacked the vehicle by pounding on the hood this was not part of the plan. This happened only briefly the car finally backed away and turned around and went wherever the driver was going by a different route than State Street that afternoon. I saw this happen maybe three times. In the back of my mind,, however,, I kept seeing visions of the British atrocities where radicals drove into pedestrian groups at high speeds killing and maiming many. It's not too far cry to see something like that happen here in Salt Lake, Utah where you have a bunch of radical rednecks driving around in their cars and pickups at any given time. Fortunately nothing happened and after a few moments the crew disbursed in the car drove away.

Up until that moment my only fear are concern regarding my involvement at an action was being arrested and have and pay some sort of fine. Now however, I'm becoming concerned for my actual physical safety. These events are getting dangerous and I think as the summer progresses and the legislative community in Washington DC gets more entrenched into specific camps I think the fallout in the hinterlands like Utah will become more and more incendiary just waiting for the right spark to start the fire. I only hope I'm not caught in the flashpoint.

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