Monday, June 26, 2017

Red T

I need to wash closed today… Actually that's not really true but I really need is a redshirt. And I prefer a red T-shirt and I really prefer a red T-shirt that fits me. In all honesty, to get such assured I would have to go get on the bus and go down the Sears and see if my lady working there todaybut I do not think I will do that. Today's temperature should be like 95° and though I'm the big mouth that talks about some like it hot I like it hot and I do I just don't know if I wanted be dealing with out on the tarmac with this kind heat.

I guess I always known but I'm not a very good direct action activist. I certainly support the concept my support folks to choose direct action on their own volition but for me which is difficult to go against the grain.. I noted this again Friday at the planning meeting for tomorrow's action downtown at the federal building. We got through the meeting was little incident. But it was time to make assignments I disorder backed away. When they asked the question “who's down to be arrested?” I slumped down in my chair as much as a personal spinal cord injury can slumped down. “Who's going to go to jail”? More slumping, let me clarify here that there is significant difference in being arrested and going to jail. Hopefully being arrested is just a minimum citation like a $35 ticket and released. Being a little more direct in your actions might buy you real jail time plus the fine. In actuality I really would not mind jail time but I do mind is the fine. I am just not committed enough to acquire a huge fine I would do $35 but I'm not due in 250 or more. Now some of the seasoned protesters have been the big show in Washington DC. These folks believe – and perhaps with good reason – that the local police yokels will just catch and release. They don't want take anyone to jail and they don't the surly one arrest anyone either. I do not want to take that chance. I really believe especially in Utah there is a new mindset growing and that civil disobedience is not going to be high on that mindsets agenda. In that DC I think the whole thing is just show and the actors come in and go weekly. The cops know that the protesters are actors in the cops themselves know they are actors on the big stage of the nightly 5 o'clock news and the Fox news at nine networks. There are all theaters the big show. What happens on screen is not necessarily real-life.

Tomorrow we have an action at the federal building. The federal building is right next to the federal bank. We used to go down on kid day in Park a block away from the bank and watch money shipments come in. The guards there walk around with Tommy guns they don't mess around. The guards at the federal building also do not mess around I just don't know what a bunch of homegrown agitators are going to do what they/the guards are going to do to the home grown agitators.

I got a go throw a load of wash in the machine. I have one red T-shirt in that wash. I did not raise my hands to get arrested but did sales support the organization and the concept of free speech and civil disobedience. My red T-shirt is way too short but that's what were supposed to do is wear red T-shirts to show support and wearing a too small red T-shirt, I can do that.

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