Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Birkenstock Nikki

If I was really concerned about my memory loss or what seems to be an ongoing issue of memory loss I'll be really freaked out but I'm just going to accept it as it comes and forget it as soon as I can arrange it. Yesterday I met with my occupational therapist which was odd and sort of uncomfortable for a second or two because my old occupational therapist of course works in the same building As Casey my old occupational therapist So I know I'm going to have to face Casey just because he's there and that's where I ended up yesterday. It was really awkward felt like high school when you're going with one girl and all of a sudden you're going with another and are not quite sure how everything happened. But there I was with my new therapist Trying to be nice and friendly with my old therapist and not knowing quite what to tell him why is not my current therapist except to blame it on my physiatrist which I immediately did. It went off better than anticipated were still friends but Nikki is definitely mmy new person. Which really bizarre as well is that Nikki swears up and down she's worked with me before I don't really remember her working with me ,Nikki says it was when she was at the University of Utah which possibly maybe sort of kind of iffy but I think I would have remembered yet there's certainly enough Ironic residual in my mind regarding Nicki that certainly had to come from somewhere so perhaps I did. but I sense working with Nikki is a new chapter in my life it should be pretty interesting...

I wish I had taken an image of Nikki because she's so striking to look at slender to the point of skinny but very healthy-looking 70s Birkenstock, health freakish, beginning to seriously age yet still striking in the attractive sense and she will be until the time she dies... Super energetic and totally altruistic exactly what I need plus she seems to impress easily why am I in luck that seems to be the only thing I do these days is impress… it's time to pull some rabbits out of the hat. I'm sure if she had a penis it would've been hard as a rock by the way she kept looking at my body in the way that I seems to adapted to my disability how I kept pulling low-tech assistive technology devices out of my hat to overcome my disability. Was a little spooky because she really went off on a tangent about how she felt that she could really turn what I have “Physicality of my body especially My hand flexion in the fact that my thumb is almost functional. She really wants to work on increasing my pincher ability. She says she doesn't want to do any invasive “therapy” just using splints and possible exercising but she wants to explore, in-depth, what ability I might have. We'd schedule just one hour for this evaluation and for that hour was over we both realized we needed a lot more time. Luckily or unlikely I'm not used hardly any of my medical visits so I have a bunch all the way to the end of the year. It looks like I'll be meeting with her once a week now until the end of the year. I'm not sure what this can all bring if anything but I'm certainly willing to give it a shot just to see what we can pull off…

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