Sunday, March 19, 2017

All The Difference

Last night I was able to put myself to bed and this morning I got up and dressed all of my own. This is a big deal to me in light of the events of the past week. Getting up and dressed this morning was a bit of a challenge. This backup chair quite a bit different than my primary chair. Particularly the foot pedals which I affectionately referred to as the box and the front. The foot pedals have high sides and back enclosing the feet. I now know this is important since my feet tend to spasm significantly. However,, I was able to get my feet on the plates sturdy enough to make the transition from bed to chair. There are still an element of danger but I was able to adapt quickly and safely.

This morning's event has got me thinking about my highly positive ability to adapt. Adaptation and a positive attitude, I believe,, has been my saving grace through my life and particularly in view of my long-term disability in all facets of life. I have been able to, when faced with a deterring situation, grapple with the situation and in most cases come out ahead.

I think perhaps one of the most influential folks in my early life which enabled me to have this positive outlook was my older brother Ross. My older brother taught me when to let go of a situation that was unwinnable. My brother was consistent,, focused and unrelenting. He taught me that life is harsh and one must know when to run and not fight. My brother was a trainer who never backed down. He showed me that regardless of how intense a training session might be there is life after that session, forgiveness and acceptance. He always had my back in a fight even if I lost he never held losing against the and more than encouraged me to my next battle I suppose knowing that sooner or later I would be triumphant.

So when my greatest challenge came in adolescence, I used all the skills my brother imparted to me. No matter how difficult each day was, that they would end and I would still be there.. You can hate life or you can enjoy life– – life didn't matter of care if you are happy or sad so I think I chose to be happy and look to whatever would make me happy with results that I encountered… I learned life was good… My brother taught me life was good and that is made all the difference..

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