Monday, March 20, 2017

One Step A Time

Today's the first day since my chair motor died that I've been able start putting together some sort of repair plan. It's a little frustrating having to visit with these folks that was supposed to get back with me last week that didn't just as the week was ending which I think would make so much difference in how things unfold i.e. me ordering the motor with a cut harness. I sort of found this out this morning that the motors basically unusable. Luckily the price on the motor was $19 and the shipping is 48 so altogether it was almost 60 bucks for a little over 60. Lessons learned from eBay. So I think what I'm going to do is go through Create for the $250 tuneup plan which well replace the motor and tighten up the rest of the machine which will be good for me. In the meantime I've got use of the “backup chair” which is a little challenging the use but I'm getting by. I have to watch the power supply vigilantly but it is getting me around and I can do the basics of my life. I can do the laundry, meal prep retiring and rising and there is not much more. I am a little concerned about trips and Assist.Inc. But again if I carry a charger with me perhaps I ccan get back and forth without issue. The challenge I have now been is to get my chair into Create and back again.. I did this with Tom this morning who feels that he can pick my chair of on Wednesday which I guess is okay I need to be more patient.

The next item on my agenda is getting my van into service. I spoke to my cousin this morning and can send the guy out soon to look at my van and what's leaking profusely. Then have whatever it needs to be fixed fixed. I spoke with Dianne at some length this morning in every switching over joint ownership to just single ownership and all responsibilities and to get specific reassurances and upkeep. It was good to hear her voice. Dianne was able to explain to me the status of our financial issues which greatly relieved my mind and what I have to work with financially and looks like I'm okay which is very exciting. A lot of us are close and disappeared which means I should go and buy some new clothes which we very cool. I would like to get shorts and T-shirts that would be comfortable and appropriate. I would like to see if I can find my old clothes but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I might even consider purchasing a new laptop that would better meet my needs and would be more functional..

So, I have a pretty big agenda for this week. I have a couple meetings to go to out in the community and I need to get these other issues attended to mainly insurance in my name and the registration changed to my name would seem somewhat daunting. Major research on my part and hopefully be able to find the documentation I need. So I need to get going one step at a time But with any journey starts with one step and looks like I'm about to start another journey.

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